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(post is archived)

[–] 1 pt 5mo

He did you a favor. You can't trust modern, western women. You need to find a traditional, shit skin country woman who will value your money more than your cock and good looks. Only then will she truly be loyal. Oh, and keep her away from Huff Post and Infowars.

[–] 1 pt 5mo

I'm not saying "she" is a tranny, but "she" definitely has a bulge going on in "her" leggings...

Do you love "her" or "her" bulge? Be honest with yourself...

[–] 1 pt 5mo

So what you're saying is if she has an apple she has a banananananananananana?

[–] 1 pt 5mo

So what you're saying is if she has an apple she has a banananananananananana?

and likely there's a couple of kiwi fruits there too