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[–] [Sticky] 8 pts 8mo

Given the timing of the "find", this seems more like some sort of viral marketing attempt for Amazon's adaptation of "Man in the High Castle" by Philip K. Dick. It's all too reminiscent of when the cable network A&E did a viral stunt episode of their popular 90s show Biography based on the "Blair Witch". That episode was a fictitious biography of the fictitious movie character of the same name and had zero truth to it. It was a stupid marketing stunt for an even stupider movie. This coin "find" has that same feel to it.

[–] 6 pts 8mo

I came to the same conclusion when it was discovered. Part of me does hope a Nazi time traveler from the future lost it.

[–] 1 pt 8mo

It also has a "stand-down psyop" feel to it for me for those that buy into things like this and Q/Operation Trust:

Just keep doing nothing and not fighting against jews to keep them from genociding your people because Aryan's will win within your lifetime (by 2039) and you'll not have to do anything to bring it about - the coin is proof it happens, so don't do anything more than what you're currently (not) doing.