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Instead of plucking this bird, take off the skin with the greatest care, so that the feathers do not get detached or broken.

Stuff it with what you like, as truffles, mushrooms, livers of fowls, bacon, salt, spice, thyme, crumbs of bread, and a bay-leaf.

Wrap the claws and head in several folds of cloth, and envelope the body in buttered paper.

The head and claws, which project at the two ends, must be basted with water during the cooking, to preserve them, and especially the tuft. Before taking it off the spit, brown the bird by removing the paper.

Garnish with lemon and flowers. If to come on the table cold, place the bird in a wooden trencher, in the middle of which is fixed a wooden skewer, which should penetrate the body of the bird, to keep it upright.

Arrange the claws and feathers in a natural manner, and the tail like a fan, supported with wire. No ordinary cook can place a peacock on the table properly.

This ceremony was reserved, in the times of chivalry, for the lady most distinguished for her beauty. She carried it, amidst inspiring music, and placed it, at the commencement of the banquet, before the master of the house.

At a nuptial feast, the peacock was served by the maid of honour, and placed before the bride for her to consume.

*Instead of plucking this bird, take off the skin with the greatest care, so that the feathers do not get detached or broken.* *Stuff it with what you like, as truffles, mushrooms, livers of fowls, bacon, salt, spice, thyme, crumbs of bread, and a bay-leaf.* *Wrap the claws and head in several folds of cloth, and envelope the body in buttered paper.* *The head and claws, which project at the two ends, must be basted with water during the cooking, to preserve them, and especially the tuft. Before taking it off the spit, brown the bird by removing the paper.* *Garnish with lemon and flowers. If to come on the table cold, place the bird in a wooden trencher, in the middle of which is fixed a wooden skewer, which should penetrate the body of the bird, to keep it upright.* *Arrange the claws and feathers in a natural manner, and the tail like a fan, supported with wire. No ordinary cook can place a peacock on the table properly.* *This ceremony was reserved, in the times of chivalry, for the lady most distinguished for her beauty. She carried it, amidst inspiring music, and placed it, at the commencement of the banquet, before the master of the house.* *At a nuptial feast, the peacock was served by the maid of honour, and placed before the bride for her to consume.*

(post is archived)

[–] 6 pts 1y

Peacocks live in a friend of mines neighborhood, fuck those things.

I can't imagine they taste good either. With all the garbage and cat food they eat.

If you think a little pigeon shit on your car is bad, a peacock shit looks like a group of highschool kids egged your car.

[–] 3 pts 1y (edited 1y)

Yeah it sounds awful and disgusting. I still can't believe people eat that shit.

I already knew people eat raccoons, dogs, cats, rats, scorpions, snakes, mice, pigeons, squirrels and other weird stuff that literally eat garbage.

One time I visited Australia and they eat crocodile, possum, platypus and kangaroo.

The platypus is like a pufferfish. It's considered a delicacy (????) because if it isn't butchered properly it will poison and potentially kill the person eating it.

One trip in Scotland about 6 years ago I had one small bite of haggis, which is a heart and liver with ground meat in a sheep stomach. I gagged and almost threw up and had a shot of whisky to clear my throat. My friends girlfriend at the time then went on to eat it and liked it. People are fucked.

Give me beef, pork or chicken. There we go. I just need cows, pigs and chicken; maybe some certain types of Whitefish for some classic fish and chips. I don't want to eat hearts, livers and kidneys.

[–] 4 pts 1y

Raccon is not disappointing. Squirrel fuck is amazing. Rabbit is yup same delicious. Possums are good but greasy like duck. Gator is delicious in a nice loose brown ru. Believe it or not snake ain't to bad when fried up. Personally I like grilling or making a stew out raccon rabbit and squirrel.

On to peacocks we had plenty but never ate them they had a job to do like eat the bugs and they did amazing job keeping property bug free

[–] 1 pt 1y

Had to upvote you. I felt like a picky person reading that. I guess I just don't like any form of diversity.

[–] 0 pt 1y

Raccon is not disappointing. Squirrel fuck is amazing.

The way this is worded gave me a chuckle.

[–] 3 pts 1y

Haggis is one that even though I know what's in it I still want to try one day.

Peacock can be described as the most dry, leathery (jerky like) piece of turkey breast you can imagine, & I do not recommend. Even if using a syringe to brine & marinate, it will not soak up flavor at all.

I have made it my mission to disperse the peacocks where I live bc they are a menace. They like to chew on my roof panels & nest up high when darkness falls. This most often means the top of my truck or my roof. Their talons are quite large, they damage car paint easily, & their excrement will peel paint.

Took me about a year to finally decide to get rid of them although they are quite lovely to look at. I tried to go with trappers at first but none had any luck and we do not have animal control where I live. If they didn't damage my roof and truck I would have left them alone.

[–] 2 pts 1y

Wow so basically they're a pest that don't even taste good. Give me some chicken.

[–] 2 pts 1y

Haggis is awesome. You just don't like organ meat. Real simple, even though it is the most healthy for you.

[–] 1 pt 1y

She basically said the same thing. An acquired taste but delicious.

[–] [deleted] 0 pt 1y

if a chicken ate catfood and shat on your car it wouldnt be a lot of fun to have around. perhaps with proper rearing you can have a tasty peacock. now that you mention it i really want to try it out just to know for sure, or perhaps just research the taste of the meat.

[–] 5 pts 1y

Always wanted one, but they're loud as hell

[–] 4 pts 1y

I grew up in the southern US. When I was a child I remember that a lot of people in rural areas had peacocks. I guess It was kind of a fad or something. I don't remember anyone eating them but I'm sure some did. I don't recall anyone eating the eggs, but I'm sure some people did that too. I do remember that they made a lot of noise. I hadn't thought about it but I haven't seen any around in many years

[–] 2 pts 1y

I've never seen a peacock. I feel like I'd want to watch one but I don't like fowl in real life. The only avian creatures I enjoy to befriend are owls, falcons, ravens and crows. I do falconry on my grandparents farm. I have befriended about 8 different creatures and they respond to their names but none of them get along. The others hide when one arrives usually. Especially if it's the owl.

[–] 3 pts 1y

Now they use babies lol

[–] 2 pts 1y

good ole adrenochrome

  • any billionaire

  • any millionaire

  • any pedophile

  • any politician

Wait... those are all the same thing.

[–] [deleted] 0 pt 1y

Hot damn. perhaps its possible, but hard to find the right peacock and chef to prepare it. If your're a super beautiful woman getting married and your maid of honor presents to you a nice tasting peacock in this fasion, both woman are about to go up in status. or maintain status. i dont know but it would be a lit wedding and something to be proud of for sure