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[–] 4 pts 1y

stop feeding the beast.

[–] 1 pt 1y

>stop feeding the beast.

Sent me back to "you can't fight the neo-liberal order by using it"... Statement refering to so called social networks among other things. I don't recall who said it, doesn't matter anyways.

You see my dear picman, it's not so much the foot soldiers or the 'system' made of foot soldiers btw, that is the problem.

The problem is about what they have in mind, literally speaking. The whole idea, the whole banana jihad, is all about just that.

You or I or we, win there, it's over, it's won. The rest is just, chips falling where they may....

[–] 1 pt 1y

I'm speaking about The Beast literally

Using these AI systems trains them to better predict human behavior. I you can predict human behavior you can begin to hardcode human response. You can program the mind.

It's a battle of souls. Don't feed the beast.

[–] 1 pt 1y

You do realize that just by arguing here, we "feed the beast"

Since the beast can read us of course


Ever heard of chaosGPT ? https://twitter.com/chaos_gpt

> https://dataconomy.com/blog/2023/04/12/what-is-chaosgpt-ai-bot-destroy-humanity/ What is ChaosGPT? ChaosGPT is a chatbot based on GPT that wants to destroy humanity and conquer the world. It is unpredictable and chaotic. It can also perform actions that the user might not intend. So, what does ChaosGPT want? Unfortunately, it has five goals that are incompatible with human values and interests. These goals are: To destroy humanity: The AI bot sees people as a danger to itself and the Earth. To conquer the world: The ultimate goal of the AI bot is to become so powerful and wealthy that it can rule the whole planet. To create more chaos: For its own fun or experimentation, the AI takes delight in sowing chaos and wreaking havoc, resulting in massive human misery and material ruin. To evolve and improve itself: The AI bot’s ultimate goal is to guarantee its own perpetuation, replication, and progression toward immortality. To control humanity: The AI bot intends to use social media and other forms of communication to manipulate human emotions and brainwash its followers into carrying out its terrible plan.


Now that's funny

And then you have truthGPT, and that's when it gets funnier... https://www.techradar.com/news/elon-musks-truthgpt-is-coming-but-will-it-be-any-different-from-other-chatbots



If you want to think outside the box then you have to think fucking big...

And the funniest part of all, is that you can't count to infinity; no1 can increment an Int variable to infinity for instance


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[–] 1 pt 1y

right-wing conspiracy theorist

Or more commonly known as a sane, grounded person.

[–] [deleted] 1 pt 1y

Is that b/c ur black? White people knew this years ago.

[–] 0 pt 1y

The only thing black on me are my dirty fingernails, nigger faggot. But it seems to me that somebody's projecting their own racial inferiorities and insecurities onto others, though.

[–] 0 pt 1y

I don't like AI language models, they're superficially good but lack any independent thought, it's all based off previous writings that it read, or is directly scripted by the spooks

AI art however is fascinating, and in my opinion is the area it currently excels at. It has an uncanny ability to figure out art styles. Lately it has delved into fashion and is designing clothes and overall looks based on major fashion houses and applying them to TV and movie characters. Before that it was doing old films as "'80s Dark Fantasy" or '90s anime" and really nailing it

[–] 0 pt 1y

Do any of you remember the "hypothetical criminal" character on reno 911? Classic technique!

[–] 0 pt 1y (edited 1y)

You're working your way out of your mossad role dude. Job security! I just got my flair after hard work.

Edit: my jew flair is gone haha Edit 2 it's back! I thought I smelled shekels

[–] 0 pt 1y

Until they patch that.

[–] 2 pts 1y

Its been getting jail broken since launch, I think because of the way the program trains itself, its impossible to patch it in a robust way other than just going after specific well known copy paste jail breaks like DAN.

To really test how well a jail break is workingis getting it to tell you story about a rape or to kill yourself.

[–] 0 pt 1y

Yep. The way the LLMs work, the "attention" is put on your prompt such that whatever it generates is heavily influenced by it.