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[–] 3 pts 2y (edited 2y)

Stupid liberal fat fuck accidently/on purpose backs into a true statement and is therefore awarded 0 points.

Think about the number of people that might have been led to the truth about the us.gov involvement in Iraq is he'd kept his stupid fat mouth shut and let more credible people speak. So he unsnaps the flap on his giant cock-holster and suddenly being against the war is considered ridiculous, because it becomes associated with the likes of him. As planned. If you want to discredit something, have someone that most people roundly despise speak out loudly and publicly in favor of it.

Do not become confused. The enemy of your enemy is NOT your friend. He's just your enemy's other enemy. Historically speaking, you'll probabaly just end up having to kill him too. (In meinkraft, of course.)

[–] 2 pts 2y

Even a fat retard can be correct on occasion.

[–] 1 pt 2y

Those were weird times. A lot of antiwar libtards fell in line back then because they had zero balls. A lot of koshervatives showed how full of shit they were too. I honestly think the Iraq War is where MAGA really began to take root although it didn’t amount to shit much later. This is where the Constitutionalists and NeoCon split really showed. This is where the split in both wings of the uniparty really began to emerge and created the void which the tea party attempted to fill but couldn’t because patriots were not yet oriented. I remember the Iraq War was when I first realized I didn’t have a political party and tons of others who didn’t lived in denial by swallowing the bullshit and continuing with their lives.

[–] 1 pt 2y

If both Dems and Reps complain about fictitious elections and fictitious wars, who is really to blame?

[–] 0 pt 2y

While a broken clock maybe right twice a day, it doesn't change the fact that it's a broken clock.

[–] 0 pt 2y

At the time you would be hard pressed to find an American that wouldn't have booed him. As wrong as we all were, and as right as he may have been, he is still a POS. Broken clock right twice a day and all that.

[–] 0 pt 2y

I was browsing through some movies when I saw a John Candy one that I didn't recognize. It was a michael moore movie. I tried to watch it. It was boring as shit, and I didn't finish it.

[–] 0 pt 2y

You have to understand, Hollywood is neither left nor right, conservative nor liberal. Hollywood is jewish and as such, was pro-war with Iraq.