In my early twenties I went through a phase where where I was soaking up as many esoteric hippy new age science books as I could find. David icke reptilian shit, the cosmic matrix series by Leonard G. Cramp, uriel’s machine by Christopher knight and Robert lomas, the ancient secret of the flower of life by drunvalo melchizedek, and anything published by Zechariah Sitchin etc etc…. I always wondered what the fuck they were talking about when these authors casually mentioned monuments being built on ley lines. Like “what the fuck is a ley line man?” The ley lines never made sense me to really. Could be just some made up shit. It probably is fake and gay. But yes I found this image on the interwebz and it kind of flipped a switch in my head “oh yea, that’s what they were referring too!” Can I prove any of this is true? No not personally. But it did reconcile some old questions I had when studying these topics. So for me, I think this image fits In with a large portion of my book collection.
I would absolutely LOVE it if you were able to shed some more light on the topic because no I am not a perfect source of knowledge, I’m just a dude with a weird book collection. If your in for a wild ride try reading the ancient secret of the flower of life vol.1 and vol.2. It’s Nuts but I found the topics in those books extremely interesting
You should check out the mysterious universe podcast, it's all this stuff. Proper production quality, short segments that are perfect for commuting, and all with some healthy questioning.
I will definitely check that out. Thank you for the suggestion bro:)
Thanks for the reply. I am just a dude that thought your picture was interesting, I have no light to shed, I was hoping you would be able to tell me more or point me to someplace with more information.
Check out some of those books I listed. The internet is dead now bro, it’s hard to find a lot of shit online now. You gotta treasure hunt old weird books in real life and be willing to pay a bit for them. You’ll be glad you did
What are they demonstrating? That picture communicates absolutely nothing to me.
(post is archived)