John 8:44 (
When your Father is Satan, you don't need a satellite dish to receive your orders, for "his desires you will do".
We have to understand what the Jewish Revolutionary Spirit truly comprises. It is not a merely human kind of revolution - it is ontological revolution, spiritual revolution - the very same kind of revolution as their father, the devil.
Their identity-defining characteristic is antichristian, therefore, and when one's identity is derived from something preternatural, the problems that typically arise when large groups of humans are placed together cease to be as much of an issue. Yes, Jews still have free will and they still have their own desires, but these desires are subordinated within an inverted Satanic hierarchy, such that, in pursuing their desires, they always ensure to "do the desires of their father, the devil." And this is what unifies them.
The same thing happens to man when he accepts an authentically Christian spirit. He denies himself and serves God. But the Christian spirit has a subordination of desire to God, and thus the hierarchy is not inverted, but angelic (rather than demonic).
Recall the icon perennis - that veritable symbol of the cosmos itself. A circle, with a centre, and a line connecting, by vertical action, the centre to the periphery. The circumference is our world, where we live and perceive, and the centre is God. All wisdom traditions have this much. But Christianity alone has that line, that true connection between the two, in Jesus Christ, and Christianity (inspired by revelation) even affirmed that it alone offered that path to God (John 14:6 (
My point in bringing this icon to mind, is that I have long contemplated the vanity of the world's attempt to achieve Utopia and end conflict on Earth by our own power. That is Satan's lie, the empty promise of the Antichrist still to come. Man forgets that an angel with a flaming sword has been placed at the entrance to the Garden of Eden (Genesis 3:23 (; Paradise is inaccessible to us by our own power.
And so as long as we dwell on the periphery of the circle (so long as we dwell in the world of time), then the only unity we can know is through looking at the centre. If our focus is horizontal, merely temporal, some will look clockwise, others counterclockwise, and there will be conflict. Adding a spiritual (vertical) dimension is not enough, for as long as there remains a horizontal component, the vector will radiate diagonally from the circumference, fixing its eyes on demons and the occult or other false gods. Only an authentic vision of God Himself at the Centre can unite us and defy these natural differences between us. But the Holy Trinity, Almighty God, Father, Son, and Holy Ghost is the only true God; He alone occupies the Centre.
It seems to me, then, that there are only two groups that can possibly obtain a single-minded unity in this world: those who explicitly affirm an authentic vision of the true God, and those who explicitly deny this same authentic vision. The former is the Church, typified by the Saints; the latter are the Jews. By rejecting Christ, and defining themselves as antichristian, the Jews nonetheless look toward the Centre - they just do so with hatred instead of love. One might think atheists would have established the same unity, then, but this is not at all what follows. Atheists may have a particular disdain for Christianity, since it is (usually in an inauthentic form) what has annoyed them in their lives and urged a dismissal of theism generally. But their spirits are not, of necessity, defined by 1) a proper understanding of God, and 2) a rejection of Him. In cases where this is true, they become Jews - at least of the same mind. The Jews, however, do have an authentic vision of God; they crucified Him. They know what it is they have rejected: their own Messiah. Their own Scriptures make clear it was Jesus, from Daniel's deadline to all the prophecies of the prophets. But they rejected Him, because He was not what they wanted. Thus they look toward the Centre, but with hate - just as their father the devil does.
But their spirits are not, of necessity, defined by 1) a proper understanding of God, and 2) a rejection of Him. In cases where this is true, they become Jews - at least of the same mind.
You mean that most atheists typically adopt a lot of progressive values and beliefs I presume?
I mean that what defines an atheist's identity is not, of necessity, an explicit rejection of Christ properly understood. Sometimes this may be the case, but on such occasions I do not think the atheist would be distinguishable from the Jew.
Rather, the atheist is defined by a rejection of theism simply, if the atheist accepts their identity as atheistic, rather than viewing their atheism as a mere accident of who they are. Or perhaps atheism is an accident of their identity, but naturalism is what truly defines them, in which case their identity is a rejection of the supernatural, out of which atheism falls.
My point is that, whether atheism is essential or only accidental, this kind of identity is distinct from the kind of identity that is essentially defined as a rejection of Jesus Christ, and it is this latter identity that defines the Jew, and it is because this is the case that we find an eerie amount of single-mindedness, on certain matters, among the Jews. Jews may disagree on the political strategy - i.e. Zionism vs Communism - but what they all agree on is rejection of Christ. If they no longer reject Christ, they cease to be a Jew - at least in the way that is most notable in our circles. Just as atheists can disagree on progressive vs conservative ideology, but they can't disagree, as atheists, on the non-existence of God - for to do so would disqualify them as atheists! This is my point about the essence of identity.
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