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[–] 5 pts 10mo

I'm very confident that: 1. There are going to be new lockdowns, more draconian than last time. 2. Most people will comply just like they did last time. 3. The media will continue to promote the tactics of the tyrants and lie directly and lie by omission, just like last time. 4. The criminals will use shame and a system to rat out non compliers to coerce the public, just like last time. 5. The very same political tools that closed down their towns and used the police to control the public last time, will do it again.

[–] 4 pts 10mo

I am confident they will try. Their success is in serious question though. If 60+% of the population does not conform, what can they do with their guidance and mandates? Shove'em.

[–] 3 pts 10mo

I seriously doubt you'd ever get close to 60%... Nothing in the past lockdowns indicated that that many people were willing to revolt. In fact the only reason we're out of this mess is because the overlords "allowed" the sheep to go back to living normal lives. We didn't "go back to normal" because people were fed up, we went back because it was permitted and most people were ready to gulag sectors of the population out of retardation and compliance.

[–] 1 pt 10mo

I get the 60% from the poll of % of population that belives Trump won in 2020 - people who now mistrust the government. There was a lot of pushback in the courts and more but it took months or a year plus after the cities/states tried to make people conform to their guidelines and mandates. We have a lot of confirmed/peer reviewed info now, masks are useless, social distancing is bullshit, closing schools unnecessary and detrimental to childhood development etc. Anons knew all of this, now many normies know too.

Bottom line, TPTB will have a very hard time pulling that shit again.

[–] 0 pt 10mo

Nothing in the past lockdowns indicated that that many people were willing to revolt

Their reaction with the covid bulldhit 2020-2022 was back when many still trusted govt and media, ate the fear porn and lies. Now many more are awake and learning/seeing the truth.

Even 40% public noncompliance is untenable.

[–] 2 pts 10mo (edited 10mo)

It's election year. Definitely another made up pandemic and violations of voting rights to allow another femitard government. Expect burn loot murder and antiwaah to show up in the dumber summer. This is how the femorats operate now.

[–] 1 pt 10mo

they are going to start a hot war and try to cancel the elections because of the war

[–] 2 pts 10mo

Enough states, municipalities, businesses and individuals will not comply to render future attempts at a redux ineffective. They overshot on their first attempt and it woke enough folks up to render any subsequent attempted fuckery impotent.

[–] 2 pts 10mo

I agree and the coming battle of wills will be very interesting.

[–] 2 pts 10mo

Remember that just a couple years ago the fascist dems in power (and media) were advocating to not allow you to work, not allow you to travel, not allow you to go into stores to get food, and not allow you to have access to hospitals.

[–] 0 pt 10mo

fascist dems

Associating what jew communists are doing as being related to fascism is jew manipulation to further the jews' "evil nazis" propaganda.

Fix your thinking and get the kike narrative out of your speech.

[–] 0 pt 10mo (edited 10mo)

Here is a magical moment on Poal where we disagree.

Social nationalism (nazism) based on the left's admiration of Mussolini's fascism (also leftism). There's nothing wrong with being pro-national (on the right), and I'm never going to fall into the leftist trap to accept nazis or fascists as right-wing, when those destructive political systems were all LEFTIST.

consider "Fascism—an “Ism” of the Left, not the Right" https://www.hoover.org/research/fascism-ism-left-not-right “Fascism’s most direct ideological inspiration came from the collateral influence of Italy’s most radical ‘subversives’—the Marxists of revolutionary syndicalism.”

“By the early 1930s, the ‘convergence’ of fascism and Stalinism struck Marxists and non-Marxists alike. . . . By the mid-1930s, even Trotsky could insist that ‘Stalinism and fascism, in spite of deep difference in social foundations, are symmetrical phenomena.’

ponder: https://www.frontpagemag.com/big-liar-dinesh-dsouza/"Big Liar" The jew that convinced America that fascism was on the right, to further the jew agenda to get idiots to accept marxism. "Adorno decided to repackage fascism as a form of capitalism and moral traditionalism. In effect, they reinvented fascism as a phenomenon of the political right".

"Here, after all, was a German Jewish scholar declaring fascism a phenomenon of the right. Clearly he was sticking fascism on conservatives who supported capitalism and affirmed religion and traditional families. This was a lie—real fascists detest those institutions and want to destroy them—but it was a politically convenient lie."