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[–] 8 pts

Human evolution was multi-regional. The whole ‘Out of Africa’ myth has its roots in the mainstream academic campaign in the 1990’s to remove the concept of Race. When I did my degree they all spent a lot of time on the ‘Out of Africa’ thing but it’s been completely disproved by genetics. Mainstream still hold on to it.

[–] 3 pts

Got any sauce for that? (not doubting you, I'd just like to read up on it further)

[–] 3 pts

I believe @lucid_seeker is refering to this study on west africans having 2 - 19% of dna from an archaic homoninthat diverged from homo sapiens line 1 or 2 million years ago.


There’s also some reason to believe that the west african/bantu population as well as the east african population (two genetically distinguishable groups) are less “pure” african than hunter gatherer populations like the Khoisan, the pygmies, and the hadza

The first two groups (most africans) have mostly “E” y-chromosomes types which are believed by some to have come from introgressions from eurasia after splitting off from type “D”. This would mean a “back to africa” in terms of their paternal dna. Hunter gatherers have type A and B y chromosomes.

Also even the maternal lineage of these two groups may be from eurasia. The west african/bantu and east african groups have a high frequency of mitochondrial dna type L3 as opposed to L0, L1, and L2 types that are more common in hunter gatherer groups.


Most of human lineage is common to within the last 150 to 300 thousand years, according to most anthropologists. But eurasians et al. have significant admixture from neanderthals and /or denisovans which diverged 1 or 2 million years ago. So our earliest common ancestor may have existed 2 million years ago or more. Our latest common ancestor maybe only 150 thousand years ago. Its not clear cut at all at this stage.

[–] 0 pt

Thank you for those sources, you are a class-A bro.

Interesting about the y chromosomes and mtDNA. I was not aware of that, but it would basically support the notion eurasians did indeed have significant input into Bantu populations which seemingly began farming only relatively recently. I'm curious if the same pattern appears in other groups of people with similar features such as those living on islands in the Indian ocean. I am also curious if this ghost DNA exists in khoisan or pygmy groups.

We shall see if the out of africa idea holds up as more information is gathered on this subject, personally I don't think it will, but I am fairly certain that most anthropogists will continue to support it until proof of it's untenability reaches the masses in critical mass.

[–] 0 pt

7.2-million-year-old pre-human remains found in the Balkans (sciencedaily.com)

There were also other findings that suggests multi-regional evolution such as Dali skull in China and Morocco and genetic testing that show some Africans can have up to 20% archaic hominin DNA which set them back hundreds of thousands of years evolutionary speaking.

This is a relatively new finding, within the last several months it seems. But basically analysis of western sub saharans show "ghost" dna from an unidentified group of archaic hominids. It was present on all the subjects tested, but I believe this was only done on west subsaharans. Assuming it's in all subsaharans it would show we couldn't have come out of africa since it's not present in eurasians or amerindian populations. I'd provide a link but I'd need to google one for you which you can do easily. Robert sephr has a joutube channel and has covered this in several videos as well as a bunch of other shit you might be interested in so I'd start there.

His hypothesis is basically that cro-magnon interbred with several different groups of archaics in different regions creating what we today call races. Obvs we whites bred with neanderthals, asians bred with neanderthals and denisovians and africans who bred with neither of those groups bred with this other group, he believes it was homoerectus.

[–] 0 pt


The entirety of Chinese academia supports multi-regional hypothesis. They have strong fossil and genetic evidence. Even architects of the 'out of africa' theory like Chris Stringer have walked it back to 'mostly out of africa'. They use to claim there was no interbreeding outside of africa. Now we know homo-sapiens bred with at least two species, neanderthals and denisovans. Meanwhile sub-saharan africans have 15% - 20% 'phantom' DNA admixture from unknown species but they dont want to talk about that very much.

[–] 0 pt

(((Academia))) has been pushing the "out of Africa " narrative since the early 60s.

[–] 4 pts

Everyone should read the book "Erectus among us". Very well sourced argument for the races being, at the very least, different sub-species of humans.

If you can identify the race of skeletal remains without DNA testing, in any other animal on earth that would denote a separate species within the same genus.

[–] 3 pts

I will search for this book.

If there can be 3 separate species of Bluebirds then the notion of all races are the same species is jew wizardry


[–] 2 pts

They do indeed walk among us......

[–] 3 pts

It's more of a shuck and jive if you want to be accurate.

[–] 2 pts

We will never know the real truth because the Vatican and Smithsonian seize all the evidence and bury it. In Turkey they are pouring concrete to cover up Gobekli Tepi, an 11,000 year old dig site. If they were to find an ancient Hall of Records, they would hide it or destroy it. They have created a narrative that keeps them in control and a history that makes White people the scourge of humanity. I believe human beings have been around for a very long time, and may have been on many other worlds. Something happened here that made people forget who they really are. The elites hold that power over us and keep us in ignorance. Look up Ooparts and the Younger Dryas Event. There was a Great Flood. There were giants. There is proof that you can see unless you refuse to believe.

[–] 2 pts

Cro Magnuns had larger brains than Homo Sapiens. A lot of David Icke's older work dot connects a big downgrade that happened in the distant past. Giants were documented by the Pizarro, Captain Cooks, and other explorers.

Cro Magnuns - Whites

Neanderthals - Jews

Homo Erectus - Blacks

[–] 0 pt

If neanderthals were jews then east asians would be more jewy then jews. I suspect the reason jew head shape is from being hunter gatherers more specifically cannibals.


Google cannibal killers and 90% of them look like jews. Also check out the nose, ears and happy merchant eyes on this modern cannibal.


Jews have charisma and the ability to read people. That same ability would also be beneficial to a cannibal trying to gain another human's trust. Being charismatic sociopaths that see goyem as cattle is why they are successful while having a lower average iq.

Also this


Dna shows niggers and arabs are less neanderthal and native Americans are the most.

[–] 0 pt

Cro Magnuns - Whites

Neanderthals - Jews

You have those two flipped.

[–] 1 pt


Cro-Magnon as Fair-Haired, Blue-Eyed, Nordic Aryans (by David Henry)


Red Heads are the half breeding between Jews (Neanderthals) and Aryans. By the way you are a total contrarian I'm thinking you are ginger.....

From what I can tell all they did at Göbeklitepe is replace a wooden walkway with a concrete walkway. Not exactly the earth shattering exposé you're trying to portray it as.

[–] 0 pt

do you realise that even modern scientists state that one of the theories of aus aborigines are that they are a hybrid of chinese homoerectus and indonesian homoerectus? of course it's never stated in the media or uni classrooms but quietly on science pages etc. they confirm it's a valid theory.. meaning of course that if modern science is even admitting that then it's very very likely the right answer, but they cannot confirm or state that in the modern age so they just leave it floating as a theory

[–] 0 pt

Oooo oooo oooo I wanna be like you ooo ooo

[–] 0 pt

Whites have the highest incidence of neanderthal DNA, Asians second (not close, but still).

This is why there is near constant kike shilling on what a neanderthal is.

[–] 0 pt

Neanderthals found in great abundance in Israel and the middle east


Not a far stretch from looking like today's jews......

Maybe you look like that clutch but the rest of us here look like Vikings baby!!

[–] 0 pt

a jew picture of neanderthal is an honest representation of a neanderthal

I suppose you also believe that jews are God's chosen? Because the jew trasnlated, published, financed, sold, shipped etc. Bible says so?

I suppose you believe that diversity is great because the faggot, pedo, jew nonpope said so? Despite the Tower Of Babel?

jews are neanderthal because this jew source said so!!!

Kike shapeshifting isn't new.

You're better than this.

[–] 0 pt

So your telling me they have 19% of muh dick?

[–] 0 pt

Source for the info?

[–] 0 pt
[–] 1 pt

You are attempting to enter a Private Virtual Country Club.

Entrance to this private establishment requires membership but not an account.


[–] 0 pt

Its a jew data mining website.

[–] 0 pt

i suspect that we actually evolved in Antarctica a few million years ago when it was clear of ice, which would explain why they are really making it hard for people to explore the place(in the name of preserving it from pollution i shit you not), in short africa and Antarctica split the african humans and slowly over time we where forced to evolve due to the changing climate

blue eyes, white skin, a strong ability to plan for the future, clothing, and eventually boats would have been needed to avoid death in the scenario im talking about, if we assuming the standard model is correct then there is very little selective pressure driving those changes, and when there was selective pressure it would have been more likely to kill them because it was not caused by a gradual change in their environment but rather a change in the groups habits, go too far north an it freezes when you are used to a temperate winter, well is going to be far more deadly than each winter it getting a tiny bit colder over the cause of many thousands of years until it got too hash to live in that environment and they build boats to flee

my old theory was it was us being pushed in to colder climates that forced us to evolve but lately this has been an idea i have been throwing around and it does seem to fit my understanding of evolution better, for the old thoery to make sense we would have needed other peoples pushes us north which would have put too much pressure on the tribe and far too quickly, in the Antarctic drift theory we have a stable land, a stable food supply, and a relatively stable climate for possibly millions of years for those changes to slowly take place

[–] 1 pt

Ridiculous. Antarctica was not habitable anytime in the last 50 million years. Genus homo has only developed in the last 3 million years or so,

[–] 1 pt

I'll add to your theory because I think it's a damn good one.

Access to Antartica is almost impossible without being able to take military planes and even if you do you are only allowed on the edges. No international flights go over which can be argued. For some reason all the masons get to visit the interior like Buzz Aldren and bonesman Kerry.

I suspect there are probably ruins that they don't want the public to know about because we would have to revise the limited worldview...

[–] 0 pt

i also suspect that is why they pushed stuff like nazis under ice and hollow earth theory, it colours people perceptions as soon as you mention anything relevant being in what the accepted narrative tells us is a waste land you seem crazy

there is so many lesser known cray theories about it too, most bullshit of course but that sure seems like someone is trying to poison the well

[–] 1 pt

Shouldn't Eskimos be super fucking smart then? I've heard it's the lack of seasons they adapted to cold not to the ability to really forecast changing seasons<<< not changing drastically like Europe but yes the seasons so change and affect things up north but I have no clue how much

[–] 0 pt

Not that I agree with fucktory, but I suspect europeans, east asians, middle-easterners underwent a very rapid acceleration in evolution with the advent of agriculture, settled life and urbanization over the last 8000 years. Agriculture resulted in massive population booms and increased competition from others— an IQ arms race. Inuits were still living in sparcely populated areas as hunter gatherers. Less competion. Less evolution.

[–] 0 pt

Probably closer ton12k to 20k years but very good point.

[–] 0 pt

after looking at a map, it sure seems like there is a coloration between cooler climates and higher iq

also the eskimos are not really the same thing, in the situation above you would have had a large population slowly adapting over potentially millions of years until they evolved enough to build ships capable of leaving due to a worsening climate, the eskimos took a different evolutionary path by filling the niche of super cold weather hunters

[–] 0 pt

If youre talking about going off the tourist route, yea obviously thats not going to happen. If you asked anyone with authority or the ability to get you there they would tell you no you cant go by yourself, because youll fucking die, not because of a conspiracy to hide the truth about ancient civilazation. It would cost tens of millions to charter and crew an expedition to get you down there and on the shore safely, if you had those kinds of resources, it would be pretty easy to partner with a university and pay for an expedition to wherever you want in Antarctica. Trips like that are done regularly. But if you had million of dollars, youd have more sense and a better target than to spend those millions walking to a frozen mountain that looks kinda like a pyramid from space, to dig around aimlessly for a month, before the weather turns deadly.

Youre not going to be able to get down there and on shore by yourself, with or without permission. Imagine the logistics of it, and how absurd it would be for you to even attempt. No one would stop you if you just started sailing south from Sri Lanka in a sail boat. What would stop you is death by hypothermia, likely before you even got on shore. Go look at pics of the shorline of Antarctica ffs bro, you wouldnt need the coast guard to stop you, reality would take care of that. You aint going, no one would stop you if you tried, but you certainly wouldnt be making it back with ancient relics even if you some how pulled of getting to shore with your shovel and got out before you get hit by -75 degree hurricane.

[–] 0 pt

why cant i sail to the coast in the summer season (which can be done) and explore inland? do you really think i dont know what the coast line looks like? im pretty sure you are basing your idea of the coast on a few pictures of glacial walls, not all of the coast is like that, there is even exposed rock in summer

https://www.theweather.com/williams-field.htm as someone from the north of England, i could go out in a tshirt in that weather lol, with the right equipment it would be quite easy to camp in those temperatures, i could get pretty far pretty comfortably on cross country skis, a few weeks ago it was colder than that where i currently am, hell it may have even been colder than that in Texas

its not hard, its simply complicated, they are not the same thing, it would be very easy if you have the right equipment the problem is it requires permission which you are not going to get

[–] 0 pt

I left the door open in my post for it to be possible at certain times. My point is no one is going to stop you if you started sailing down there today. if you did make it, youre not gonna find jack shit but ice rocks, and maybe some wildlife.

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