I think that goes for a lot of French thought. Some of them were absolute Leftist trash (Badiou and Levinas), but some of the philosophy coming from France has to be confronted nonetheless. Sartre. Baudrillard. Lacan.
Foucault was a complete nigger only correct about power. Liberalism is a disease. It creates philosophy like this. The thing you can take form this is: take what is true and throw the rest away. Also you can see the explicit anti-white hatred from these philosophers. It’s so funny how they end up being right about the underlying mechanism but they alway point it in the wrong direction. I remember a passage from “simulacra and simulation” where it says “when the colonists met the natives they either had to admit that their god wasn’t universal (talking about christ) or that they had to exterminate them.” It’s like swimming in a lake of shit looking for a gold nugget. The marxists are literally useful idiots for critique but their solutions are always just inhuman shit.
Good point. I agree. Take somebody like Deleuze. You'll find some truly fascinating philosophy there, in terms of his metaphysics. All of these guys stumble when it comes to connecting their metaphysics to their politics. They all felt a need to validate Marx, and capitalism was always the homogenizing devil of the world.
That's what is tough. They're right about a lot, including in their critiques of capitalism. As you have said, you have to be cautious to pick out just the moment where they start to get prescriptive.
Yup. As a fascist I’m not a capitalist either. The only use I have for marxists is their critiques. They completely deny Darwin and metaphysics of the risen beast archetype of humanity. I just use marxists like a whore. I read and extract their worth and throw them away and ignore their anti white anti christian (see: absolute morality) bullshit. These people are so far up their own ass they are critique whores. That’s what they are useful for. Critique capitalism but let real men find a solution that incorporates genes and human nature.
(post is archived)