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[–] [deleted] 10 pts

Molech worship they gave their children up to the fire. This is still going on. Epstein's temple dungeon.

[–] [deleted] 7 pts

A lot of things are starting to make sense to people now. Hail Clown World!

[–] 4 pts

Hail Clown World! HONK!

[–] 6 pts

first person that comes to mind is the lady who made her daughter take the shot..she became paralyzed and she still praised the shot and would do it again

[–] 3 pts

Remember, garden of eden, eve got duped by the devil

eve has learned nothing on how to recognize liars and hypocrites

[–] 5 pts

Am guessing the Nordics and Scandis did it prey much right, but more like culling than sac. You can tell if a 1-1/2 yr old was aware and reactive. Minor abberations could get them a couple months pass b4 getting tossed into lake. Select for good genes instead of throwing the strongest young brave or prettiest maiden into volcano.

[–] 5 pts

They're retarded primitives, halfway to niggerdom. r/K selection in action.

[–] 4 pts

Just like all the people looking to inject their own kids today and the psychopaths like Fauci and Gates

[–] 2 pts

We have plenty of them, now, in so called western civilization

We have learned nothing

[–] 1 pt

Something has never changed: If leaders want their people to follow without asking questions, two steps are needed: 1. Create fear, 2. Offer solution <= wrong 2. Tell people that we are all in this together but we are also the solution if we follow the rituals and make sure that everybody does it.

[–] 4 pts

My liberal neighbor got her children injected by mrna long before mandated.

Deception is strong in our species

[–] 2 pts

Weimar Germany had mother-daughter prostitution.

In Thailand, it's not uncommon to hear about parents selling their children into sex slavery.

People are disgusting filthy creatures.

[–] 2 pts (edited )

Psychedelics come to mind

An entire population on some nasty shrooms 24/7/365, communicating with "entities".... Like some sort of mass DMT consumption going utterly wrong

That's how such stuffs would make sense to me

You have the aztec football/soccer if memory serves that is super fucked up too from what I've heard. They not only played soccer with the severed heads of their captives; the winning team (yes) was supposed to get sacrificed at the end of it


Imagine the level of suck, imagine what a match would look like, with such rules... Like, you do everything under the sun not to win...


The association between human sacrifice and the ballgame appears rather late in the archaeological record, no earlier than the Classic era.[61][62] The association was particularly strong within the Classic Veracruz and the Maya cultures, where the most explicit depictions of human sacrifice can be seen on the ballcourt panels—for example at El Tajín (850–1100 CE)[63] and at Chichen Itza (900–1200 CE)—as well as on the decapitated ballplayer stelae from the Classic Veracruz site of Aparicio (700–900 CE). The Postclassic Maya religious and quasi-historical narrative, the Popol Vuh, also links human sacrifice with the ballgame (see below).

Captives were often shown in Maya art, and it is assumed that these captives were sacrificed after losing a rigged ritual ballgame.[64] Rather than nearly nude and sometimes battered captives, however, the ballcourts at El Tajín and Chichen Itza show the sacrifice of practiced ballplayers, perhaps the captain of a team.[65][66] Decapitation is particularly associated with the ballgame—severed heads are featured in much Late Classic ballgame art and appear repeatedly in the Popol Vuh. There has been speculation that the heads and skulls were used as balls.[67]


So it was the mayans... https://www.livescience.com/65611-how-to-play-maya-ballgame.html

For instance, did the game's winners or losers get sacrificed at the end of the game? And were the hoops on the ball courts treated like modern-day basketball nets?

The answer to both questions is no; the players were most likely not sacrificed, and the ball wasn't meant to go through the hoop, although it likely happened from time to time, said Christophe Helmke, an associate professor at the Institute of Cross-Cultural and Regional Studies at the University of Copenhagen. [What's the Toughest Sport?]

"It would have been really horrible if your best players were sacrificed all the time," said Helmke, who explained the inner workings of the game to Live Science.


Yeah "it would really have been horrible"... Like, human sacrifices... That's why it didn't happen lol

[–] 1 pt

Same disorder as Munchausen by Proxy in my opinion

[–] 0 pt

We are currently experiencing it, (((they))) call it a 'pandemic'

[–] 0 pt

No, they're fucking animals who enjoyed ritual sacrifice on an industrial scale.