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(post is archived)

1: male child less than 9 years of age is okay, but if you sleep with a male over that age, it's death. / you cannot sleep with an adult male (no mention of boys)

2: Sacrificing your sperm to Molech is permitted / making an offering of sperm to Molech is a death sentence (what about other gods?)

3: It's not a crime to curse you parents, unless you utter the true name of God, which is a death sentence / kill your kids if they curse you. ("you took away my Xbox Dad? fuck you!" / ""mom, stop, you are embarrassing me, you're so lame" - whelp, time to get the shotgun and put some buckshot in the back of my kid's head now <- a sane person, and loving parent)

4: This specific charm is permitted to influence spirits with / anyone who deals with spirits is to be killed (what about those who pray to Jesus, or consult the saints, or hail Mary, or take part in mass, or worship, or baptism or anywhere else they welcome the holy spirit into them and establish connection with god, or his angels, or his other subordinates? what about people who celebrate "familiar spirit", "charm", and "enchantment" related holidays? like Halloween? or Easter? or Christmas? or New Years? or Birthdays? - all would be dead by virtue of this passage, probably why early christians banned them all, TBH)

5: A woman who gets fucked by an animal can marry a priest, she's "wounded" (soiled goods) / men and women who fuck animals get killed (the animal too)

6: prostitution is okay, it's a gift, not wages (for purposes of taxation, I guess) / a woman cannot conduct prostitution as long as she lives with her father (I guess it's okay to be a whore if she's moved out)

7: You can use the true name of God as a curse, so long as you do in your head, and it is being applied to something that is not God (uttering it aloud or thinking to but directly cursing God is both a death sentence) / you can't do it under even that circumstance, merely thinking the name of God as a curse, even if it's regarding something unrelated to God, is a death sentence

8: you can say that any promise you make in the future is invalid (meaning that you can break promises so long as you warn the person you make them with beforehand that you should not be expected to hold yourself to them) / you must do everything you say you will do, or be put to death (what if you promise something but it turns out to not be possible? what f the person you promised to do something for no longer wants you to do it? what if the thing you said you would do turns out to be a far worse idea than you originally planned? what f you promise to do something, then fail and don't have another chance? <- every one of these cases is a death sentence)

9: ten men each strike a victim, since no one could determine who made the killing blow, all are to be found innocent (retarded) / if you strike a man and it causes him to die, you are put to death (but what if you are one of ten men, and it is not possible to determine who dealt the killing blow?)

The laws say what they say, they don't say what you interpret them to say. the implications on either end aren't appealing. why not just abandon religion altogether, or just make your own religion?

Why is my text so big?

[–] 0 pt

You copy pasted from some source and then changed some of the words.

But I didn't. I wrote it all, just now. It's 100% original.