Posts must link directly to a specific image file or to a website that embeds on Poal with minimal ads. Links to albums on image hosting websites are OK as long as they embed here. URL shorteners are prohibited. Please convert webp files to jpg or png before sharing. ( or
No animated images, gifs, etc. (use /s/gifs)
No memes, comics, "posters", image macros, screenshots, large amounts of text, etc. Posts containing text must have emphasis on the picture itself, and not the text.
No gore, porn, or distasteful nudity. NSFW content must be marked.
No overtly political content, where the emphasis is on the politics rather than any intrinsic artistic/aesthetic value. Please consider /s/Politics, /s/PoliticalCartoons, /s/politicalhumor, etc. which allow images for such content.
No text/self posts.
Downvoting relevant content may result in a ban. If you feel the need to downvote, please leave a comment to explain why.
(post is archived)