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My mother was just diagnosed with breast cancer. She needs chemo and my family is coming down on me HARD about getting vaccinated or I'm "not allowed to see her and going to kill her". My brother just spent an hour screaming at me over how he reads all the scientific journals and all them agree the vaccine is beneficial.

Can anyone help link me to studies/resources about negative impacts that he won't laugh me out of the room with? I want him to stop harassing me regularly.

Source I'm trying to find again:

1) CDC admitting test can't differentiate between COVID, flu, and colds.

2) The FDA not actually approving the vaccine. Just extending the emergency allowance to have it injected into the public.

3) Any other useful things about it's negative effects.

My mother was just diagnosed with breast cancer. She needs chemo and my family is coming down on me HARD about getting vaccinated or I'm "not allowed to see her and going to kill her". My brother just spent an hour screaming at me over how he reads all the scientific journals and all them agree the vaccine is beneficial. Can anyone help link me to studies/resources about negative impacts that he won't laugh me out of the room with? I want him to stop harassing me regularly. Source I'm trying to find again: 1) CDC admitting test can't differentiate between COVID, flu, and colds. 2) The FDA not actually approving the vaccine. Just extending the emergency allowance to have it injected into the public. 3) Any other useful things about it's negative effects.

(post is archived)

[–] 8 pts (edited )

This might be of interest to you....


Oxford University, published (preprint) in The Lancet, so it should be "main stream" enough for your retarded brother. Those taking the vaxx, thinking that it will protect their compromised loved ones and relatives may be very sadly mistaken.

You probably have little chance of turning your brother around, he is ideologically possessed.

You might be able to shame him into silence though. Hammer him hard that being vaxxed, he is posing a much greater risk to the health of your mother by being a possibly asymptomatic super spreader carrying a much higher viral load than a non-vaccinated individual. This probably won't improve your relationship with your brother though.

[–] 3 pts

Interesting but couldn't that also be used as an argument as to why everyone should be vaxxed?

[–] 5 pts (edited )

The reason why he wants OP to be vaxxed is to protect his mother (who, due to her medical condition cannot be vaxxed, and even if she was it would have no immunological response since she is on chemo). The argument for forced or coerced vaxx is that it it to protect others from transmission. This is obviously false, as emerging research is highlighting very clearly. Since taking the vaxx does not provide protection to others (vaxxed or not), then there is no reason to require anyone to take it. If the remaining argument is that it reduces the symptoms if infected, then that becomes an individual choice for the patient.

As far as forced medication goes though, it wouldn't matter if you invented a miracle pill that cured all diseases instantly without any side effects, to force people to take it would still be immoral. Forcing someone to take a medication removes their bodily autonomy, which is about as fundamental a right as you could possibly have.

Quiet rage is spreading throughout our country. We should be damn angry.

[–] 1 pt

Ah I totally skimmed over the part that the mother couldn't be vaxxed.

[–] 2 pts

Nope. It's really simple:

Unvaxxed: You get the 'rona and either are asymptomatic and non-contagious or get sick as a dog so you stay home and dont spread it.

Vaxxed: If you get the rona, the vaxx mitigates the symptoms so much that you dont realize how sick you are until you either spread it to everyone or drop dead. Because the vaxx doesnt kill the virus amd just minimizes the symptoms, you gain a false sense of security and do dangerous things. Much as if you pounded opiods to mitigate the symptoms of your broken leg amd decided to go flipping dancing.