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[–] 4 pts (edited )
[–] 2 pts

The best posts never get the recognition they deserve. This should had been on the front page for days.

[–] 1 pt

Thank you sir. Need a suggestion for what to read next. Have a pile of stuff still need to get to. Should I try catch 22, or is it jewed, Keller being one

[–] 0 pt

Haven't "read" since High School and I wouldn't qualify what I did back then as reading.

My suggestion: Do you, post what you find interesting and worth sharing and don't give two-fucks whether some anon thinks.

[–] 2 pts

This is a battle that has been waged against our peoples for thousands of years. People like him knew it, and tried to warn us. Remember, history itself has been subverted to help destroy you.

[–] 1 pt

He kinda looks like me.

[–] 1 pt

Orwell saw this coming when he wrote Harrison Bergeron.

[–] 0 pt

This is the greatest quote in history and it explains Liberal/communism/MSM 100%.

[–] 0 pt

The “intelligent people” on this site believe that the vaccines are tools to murder billions of people in a grand conspiracy where the elites yearn to form a communist utopia even though they have derived their wealth and power in a liberal-capitalist system.

Oh, I am also a jewish shill for pointing this absurdity out despite naming the jew in various comments. Do not overestimate yourselves, fellas.

I am impressed every day with the deep and dynamic stupidity of many people on the right. Look at conservatives here, or whatever they are, constantly bagging on Democrats for how stupid they are while Democrats have been stomping their balls without mercy.

Every single day, here, there are fake stories passed as hard news, laughable theories used as “evidence”, liars used as sources and studies, papers and statistics taken wildly out of context and misinterpreted for other idiots to repeat out in the wild to the mockery of anyone with half a brain.

But then of course, those people must be liberals and must be shills, it isn’t possible that SOMEONE WHO AGREES WITH THEM ON ALMOST EVERYTHING could be honest and recognize stupidity when they see it and call it out. No, it has to be that they are FBI agents or Chinese agents. It’s tiresome.

They take an article from the New England Journal of Medicine, get everything about the article wrong, repeat it to each other in an endless loop of stupidity and whenever someone tries to set them straight because they actually care about what the truth is, that person is immediately set upon.

There’s a reason why they have to continue to pretend that “millions are finally waking up“ while losing the ideological battle and cultural battle. They have to pretend they’re waking people up because the alternative is that the general population is thoroughly unconvinced by idiots.

Instead of absorbing the new information, they angrily reject it. Then the next day? That same article is posted here and the same people interpret it the wrong way yet again. And the cycle continues.