Well I don't know much about bitcoin except it's worth having some around in case it does moon in the future. It's also possible it gets hacked and becomes worthless overnight. Satoshi Nakamoto can be translated to mean 'Central Intelligence' as well and I think half of the cipher is CIA derived so I don't know what to think. I haven't watched the full video you linked but I read the comments and someone wrote that the last 20 minutes is amazing so I will probably skip to that first.
With regards your observation that artificial realities drive behaviors I think you are right. The world being so complex that we are required to simplify it for the sake of being able to navigate it at all. This means that we all operate on a low-poly foundation in order to function at all. When we render down our environment perceptual mistakes are inevitably going to creep in. There is good work in AI and self driving cars that is addressing the necessity for repackaging environmental information into a useable state.
We also now live in a connected and overstimulated world with plenty of false information delivered by those attempting to manipulate our view of reality for their own goals. As it is all I can say with certainty is that the plan is to divide in and of itself, the relevance of the polar ideologies or conflicting mental states seems only to exist as a distraction for those susceptible to them.
For those not wishing to engage the choice appears to be either navigate the tumultuous currents between the two realities in order to personally profit, but at the cost of your true self, or to resolutely stick to your grounded reality at the expense of the zeitgeist passing you by unaffected. In one instance you engage and further fuel a deepening of the divisions in reality, and in the other you have no negative influence but no positive influence either.
(post is archived)