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Today I decided to take a look at the MAUI development platform. It sounds very cool. So I downloaded the tool chain and the emulators to run Android. Then I built the example application. All of a sudden the fan on my workstation started going crazy, so I opened task manager. Wow! I’d never seen all 20 cores on my i9 light up like this before. Simply unbelievable.

Subsequently, I shut down everything and restarted everything. This time my fans did not whir up so badly. Even still, I noticed that all 20 cores were working, only this time, not maxed out.

I’m going to play around with this to see how it is to build cross platform apps. It’s always been something I wanted to do. It appears it may be practical to actually implement. I’m sure there are hardware things between iOS and Android that will require special code.

Today I decided to take a look at the MAUI development platform. It sounds very cool. So I downloaded the tool chain and the emulators to run Android. Then I built the example application. All of a sudden the fan on my workstation started going crazy, so I opened task manager. Wow! I’d never seen all 20 cores on my i9 light up like this before. Simply unbelievable. Subsequently, I shut down everything and restarted everything. This time my fans did not whir up so badly. Even still, I noticed that all 20 cores were working, only this time, not maxed out. I’m going to play around with this to see how it is to build cross platform apps. It’s always been something I wanted to do. It appears it may be practical to actually implement. I’m sure there are hardware things between iOS and Android that will require special code.

(post is archived)

[–] 2 pts 6mo

More than likely it's your hardware acceleration settings for the emulator. I'm not having those issues using an old IdeaPad with a Ryzon 3 CPU, onboard Vega graphics, and 12gb of ram.



[–] 1 pt 5mo

You could run it in virtualbox to restrict the number of cores Windows can grab. HyperV is pure trash and Windows, by its very design, will steal every resource it can, your processor melting under the load be damned. I have see printers run out of paper and it'll make Windows lose it's shit and bring the system to a near stand still.