PilferShush Jammer (github.com)
PilferShush Jammer
Light Android AOSP application to test microphone jamming techniques to combat Cross-Device Tracking (XDT)
PilferShush Jammer Research and project page : https://www.cityfreqs.com.au/pilfer.php
Android microphone checker and jamming application built for AOSP LineageOS.
Application for low battery requirement microphone passive jamming.
Calls audioRecord.startRecording() but DOES NOT READ THE AUDIO BUFFER.
Holds microphone access and should block user apps from gaining focus of microphone.
System telephone calls will override and bump the Jammer from the microphone.
Adds a notification as a reminder for running while in background.
Tested and blocks Google Voice search (user) app (up to API 34). Currently testing Chrome/Omnibox/Assistant app voice blocking.
Active jammer - tone and white noise versions, boost EQ for higher amplitude.
Scan user installed apps for key features, possible NUHF/ACR SDK package name matches and services/receivers running.
Jammers run as an instance of MediaRecorder in a foreground service
I came in here specifically to recommend this. For anyone who doesn't know, it's in the f-droid apk repository.
Thanks for the post. Good info for anyone. Ill be looking into this.
(post is archived)