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I have the idea that our occupiers (in government) don't actually do anything other other than follow orders from Klaus, who follows orders from someone I don't know. The author of the linked article takes it further by pointing out that even the crisis actors pretending to hold office delegate their malfeasance to subordinates and ChatGPT. Makes sense.

I have the idea that our occupiers (in government) don't actually do anything other other than follow orders from Klaus, who follows orders from someone I don't know. The author of the linked article takes it further by pointing out that even the crisis actors pretending to hold office delegate their malfeasance to subordinates and ChatGPT. Makes sense.

(post is archived)

[–] 1 pt 1y (edited 1y)

Yes, obviously, schizophrenic niggerkike. However it's only a title. It's illegal to make a law, a bill that can't be understood by the layperson, that can't be read in one short sitting and fully understood.

3000 page omnikike bill just passed in 1 hour since being sent to the floor!!!

Yeah goyim, I read it and it's great!!!

[–] 0 pt 1y

I would further stipulate, it's illegal for government officials to read it before voting on it.