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I have the idea that our occupiers (in government) don't actually do anything other other than follow orders from Klaus, who follows orders from someone I don't know. The author of the linked article takes it further by pointing out that even the crisis actors pretending to hold office delegate their malfeasance to subordinates and ChatGPT. Makes sense.

I have the idea that our occupiers (in government) don't actually do anything other other than follow orders from Klaus, who follows orders from someone I don't know. The author of the linked article takes it further by pointing out that even the crisis actors pretending to hold office delegate their malfeasance to subordinates and ChatGPT. Makes sense.

(post is archived)

[–] 5 pts 1y

If we’re going to have politicians who are really a combination of their staffers and AI, what sort of government do we even have?

We don't have a government at all. We are occupied by opportunists who see us cattle. This is exactly why I believe we don't need a government. After all, no one is governing. They steal from us, poison us, dumb us down, invite invaders to our land and destroy other countries. We'd be much better off if we simply self governed.

[–] 5 pts 1y

You're an optimistic thot. We are less than cattle. Cattle don't have to work their whole lives, like slaves, before they get slaughtered, we do.

[–] 0 pt 1y

Technically, we are Chattel to the corporation 《illegaly》formed in 1871.

[–] 0 pt 1y

Wow, a dose of harsh reality. You made me feel uncomfortable!