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I have the idea that our occupiers (in government) don't actually do anything other other than follow orders from Klaus, who follows orders from someone I don't know. The author of the linked article takes it further by pointing out that even the crisis actors pretending to hold office delegate their malfeasance to subordinates and ChatGPT. Makes sense.

I have the idea that our occupiers (in government) don't actually do anything other other than follow orders from Klaus, who follows orders from someone I don't know. The author of the linked article takes it further by pointing out that even the crisis actors pretending to hold office delegate their malfeasance to subordinates and ChatGPT. Makes sense.

(post is archived)

[–] 1 pt 1y

Zhuang, who speaks fluent Mandarin, later texted a reporter a prepared statement saying “as an immigrant and Brooklyn’s first Chinese-American Councilwoman, I, like many of my fellow immigrants, use AI as a tool to help foster deeper understanding as well as for personal growth, particularly when English is not my primary language.”

Also likely written by an AI.