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Sovereign citizens or people who think the legal system is not legitimate are growing in numbers and are introducing their beliefs to people in new and pernicious ways, according to researchers in the field.

The Pseudolaw and the Administration of Justice Conference saw 15 researchers discuss their work, collaborate and share knowledge on pseudo legal movements around the world. . . .

Source Article(thenewdaily.com.au)

>Sovereign citizens – or people who think the legal system is not legitimate – are growing in numbers and are introducing their beliefs to people in new and pernicious ways, according to researchers in the field. >The Pseudolaw and the Administration of Justice Conference saw 15 researchers discuss their work, collaborate and share knowledge on pseudo legal movements around the world. . . . [Source Article](https://www.thenewdaily.com.au/news/2023/12/04/sovereign-citizen-conference)

(post is archived)

[–] 1 pt 1y

ive come across several website us about it and have friends that are pursuing whatever paper process there is to it all. they're very self righteous about it.