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[–] 15 pts 3y

Political prisoners

[–] 5 pts 3y (edited 3y)


Personally been suffering from fake news fatigue, so I quit all of it. No cable, google, nothing. Being 6 months behind the propo-narrative here, one day of pravda and britnigastan news and I'm all caught up.

Where's the outcry? Censored since perv Uncle Sam is sucking commie dick!

[–] 4 pts 3y

We should all be taking a very close look at how the IRA handled the politics of being political hostages and look also at how the Taliban prisoners were negotiated. I have a feeling we'll all need those lessons history has to offer, the easy way.

[–] 0 pt 3y

They're being made examples of just like every other video you see where someone defends themselves against government, BLM, Antifa, cops wont do shit til an innocent man or woman pulls a gun in self defense then they go away for a very long time. It is putting fear into citizens and it worked like a charm, how many of us rioted after the blatently stolen elections? How many people actually care? How many of ua have grey manned in fear of FEMA camps and being rounded up? They allowed it to happen with many hidden Antifa members honeypotting the "insurrection" just so they would have ammo to use against us for the media and the normies to swallow up. It is what should have happened on every corner of this country TBH, I personally wish Trump would have green lighted it since they were kicking him out anyways, the people and half the planet would have been behind him. People dont realize that america has heavy influence on other countires and if we had taken back our country, theres a damn good chance many other countries would have followed suit, guns or no guns. Freedom is a powerful thing once you have it and it is gone or even the prospect of it

[–] 0 pt 3y

It’s just making sure that any whites fighting to get their country back, well once we fire that first shot there is no going back. It’s win or die.