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[–] [deleted] 17 pts 3y

She really should be removed as this is hardly her first call to violence and specific threat.

[–] 6 pts 3y

Well, the story behind the story here is the Congress is completely corrupted by the two parties. No "Mr Smith goes to Washington" can hope to reform it. And Maxine, well, she brings something to the table for Democraps. I'm not sure exactly. Jew money, I expect, a safe seat, and a vote that can be bought.

[–] 2 pts 3y

shes literally a blackface characature, look at those bright red lips, constantly mouthing her words wider then she needs to lmfao

she's their sheboon through and through.

[–] 0 pt 3y

Oh, yeah, she's dumber than a box of rocks. That's why I figure she's a vote that can be easily manipulated for them. Plus I know she spreads around the wealth like an African "big man"