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[–] 3 pts 3y

The truth has been spoken. Only an aryan woman can give birth to and raise an aryan man. On a personal note I see the degradation of our men daily at my job. We work at a small butcher shop. There are 4 men and 3 women. All 4 men leave early everyday because they are tired. The old lady that's about to start collecting social security stays longer than a 35 year old man. Me and the other 37 year old woman stay till the shop closes everyday. Men don't even want to work anymore, it's sad.

[–] [deleted] 2 pts 3y

Risk and reward. When grinding video games for the reward of programmed praise and companionship from digital women is more appealing than the employment rat race to compete with ever-rising female hypergamy, you know there is a problem.

However, White men are still willing to work for a standard of living which is at least as high as the log cabin innawoods his ancestors had. The problem is that the log cabin on the dirt road is not enough to appease the hypergamy of modern women. The post-WW2 economic boom is never coming back, and its effect on women's economic expectations has been a disaster. Those men leaving early can easily afford that log cabin. They can't afford a whore who priced herself out of the market.

[–] 0 pt 3y

Those guys that leave early can't afford anything because they leave to drink all day and gamble. I would love a cabin in the woods, but it's out of price range right now. Two of these guys are also heavy drug users. And yes I know that my little butcher shop is not representative of the world as a whole. It's just what I have encountered since my husband died and I'm no longer a housewife after a decade.

[–] [deleted] 0 pt 3y

>I would love a cabin in the woods, but it's out of price range right now.

A log cabin without utilities up north is less than $10,000 with ~$100 annual property taxes. This is affordable, even if it does not appease hypergamy.

>drug addictions

This is in the same vein as the vidya addiction I mentioned. Make families more appealing than vice again. This means locking sex behind arranged (courtship) marriage to debt-free virgins without tattoos again. Nothing else will tip the balance except a return to tradition.

> It's just what I have encountered since my husband died

I'm sorry for your loss. However, your predicament is unnatural. You fell for the nuclear family trap. Whites have used multi-generational households to pass on their heritage, customs, and traditions to future generations. The mothers, grandmothers, and venerated great-grandmothers put their efforts into the welfare of the children, and the men worked together for the mutual future of the family business. The subversive nuclear family and dating tore this to ribbons, and now the state provides the welfare for most single mothers, and megacorporations own the future. In a multi-generational household, you would still be supporting and supported. We need to go back. Arranged marriages and multi-generational households are not optional for Whites.

[–] 1 pt 3y (edited 3y)

I see the same. Crazy right?

// EDIT: I just realized, that every civilization that dies, it dies because of men. Women help, but, I just realized that it isn't an accident this saying doesn't say women:

Hard times create strong men. Strong men create good times. Good times create weak men. Weak men create hard times.

Yes, women help in this process and women have helped lean into government for resources instead of the traditional husband / family, but men are the ones that allow this to happen.

It works the same in every culture. Every culture that has a problem, at its root is the corruption of it's men. Mexicos beheadings / cartels? Corrupt men that want to get rich quick. Canadas social programs that corrupt the soul of the family? Lazy and corrupt men. And so on.

[–] 0 pt 3y

Why do they leave early? Is it because men are expected to do a lot more at home when it comes to raising children and cooking/cleaning? I don't know any men with families that work long days anymore, and they are usually expected to pick up or drop of kids to school or daycare too. On top of that, wages for most blue collar jobs aren't worth stressing out over and putting in the extra effort.

[–] 1 pt 3y

None of these men have children at home. They leave to drink, gamble and fish.