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https://pic8.co/sh/k4IdtC.jpg https://pic8.co/sh/ZWOLHX.jpg https://pic8.co/sh/zBxNGF.jpg This Man is dangerously based.

(post is archived)

[–] 0 pt 3y (edited 3y)

They don't want men to support their children or families. That's the entire point. Men will pay for it all through taxation and the government bitches will make every decision for phenomenally stupid and manipulated women, making themselves and men unnecessary and easy to kill through food shortages. How they ignore 100 years of proven history that the system is designed to do exactly that is spectacular

They been shoveling socialism under a different name up everyone's asses so long they're already on the declining end of we have no more other people's money to spend

Doing it right this time and making it the last time means public demonstrations of punishment for those behind it.

The coming food shortages will have to weaponized quickly by the people