She forgot the honk
muh baste controlled oppo niggress who gained fame for an anti-White social credit system
No. She's not calling out anything. She's doing what's told to fool race-cucks.
She's said that if Hitler had just stayed in Germany (which really he did since he only invaded countries that held land and people that used to belong to Germany) then he would have been fine, which is almost the same as saying Hitler did nothing wrong.
controlled opposition nigger said something a controlled opposition would be told to say
No. Fuck off.
The pavement apes like George Floyd were shipped in to white northern cities by FDR using the war as an excuse; before that they were mostly confined to the deep south. The Morgenthau plan, adopted by FDR & Eisenhower, would've deindustrialized Germany and seen their population crossbred out with foreigners. (Thankfully H. Hoover stopped it.) Eisenhower later used the military to force blacks into white schools, an action so unpopular it could've easily sparked another civil war.
Coudenhov-Kalergi was a very important founding member of the League of Nations, best friends with the Rothschilds, and we all know what he planned with the European people. The French used armies of Moors to gangrape italians into submission. And of course there were the crimes of the USSR in Prussia and Poland, much of which was done by mystery meat draftees from central asia. Really it was a continuation of how the soviets ruled domestically, by taking a criminal and ethnic underclass and putting them on the top, and the former high class on the bottom or in graves.
The reality is, ALL of Hitler's opponents stood for the Africanization of Europe, and we know this by their subsequent actions. They couldn't openly proclaim it yet, because it was unpopular, but they were all trying to. Ironically, Stalin was less in favor of it than the west was, for him it was merely a tool, while for the jews it was a primary goal. They and their upper class accomplices simply want to be the Morlochs ruling over a population of Eloi.
Name checks out. Fuckn sped
I like that normies are starting to use "clown world." Maybe something will come of it. Maybe not. *shrug *
Nah they'll just sell it to the trannies and they sew it into their fag flag and some how make it diverse and inclusive
Cant you give her a little bit of credit for not humping on the streets of Miami Beach like a gorilla in heat? Theres nothing incorrect about what she said.
No. I'll give her credit when she's back in Africa
She sucks white dick. I think we can give her a pass.
Oh, for sure, my lil puddin pop, but she's still a negress. This White man gonna be keepin them down.
yeah, and Al Gore and Joe Biden are white.
You can't reason with neckbeards.
Gentiles United.
Candace Owens is my favorite black person after Thomas Sowell, Jesse Lee Peterson, and Pastor Manning.
Whatever. Just another attention-seeking nigger.
Everyone worship this nigger!!!
She should get her ass to africa and build up her continent for her people.
She was born here, and hold American values. She can stay.
not only don't you jews get to decide..nigger lovers will be shipped to africa as well (so you can continue sucking their cocks and won't have to be weened from them).
I wish I could live in your low IQ fantasy.
Why? She hates niggers.
No. She doesn't. She's being popularized because it's making her money, famous, and empowered. Niggers who want niggers to elevate themselves would start by organizing a movement to get back to the continent that God put them on and bring it out of the 4th century.
Instead, she'll live a privileged life by putting on whiteface and saying just enough to keep her life comfy.
Her White half is pretty based
I'm sick and tired of hearing her name...plenty of Whites speak out against this fucked up clown world and all (we) get is ridicule and criticism...this goofy face monkey drops out of the tree and suddenly she's a hero, in reality she's a nigger puppet. Fuck her and her tribe.
(post is archived)