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[–] 5 pts 3y

As expected because she is (1) a woman (2) a muslim (3) a Democrat, so no one will question her blatant racism and hypocrisy

[–] 2 pts 3y


Don't. You're allowing jews to control you if you trust the version of women the jewish/muslim MSM gives you.

a democrat

Okay? And that's meaningful how? If you don't think republicans are chomping at the bit for gun control you are naive as fuck.

[–] 6 pts 3y

You missed the point. She has triple immunity from media criticism by being a muslim democat woman. I'm not saying Christian male Republicans are wonderful. I hate most of them for being spineless hypocrites too. But they have to take loads of abuse for it while Omar will skate by without any media comment.

[–] 1 pt 3y

The jew media would criticize no one that follows the narrative. So I'm not sure how it's relevant why they aren't criticizing her.

[–] -1 pt 3y

Listen man, you really ought to stop with the mindless white knighting in defense of women.

You jump at literally every chance to shit on people for criticizing women to the same extent they'd criticize anyone or anything else, to the point where you try to pretend people making very valid observations are just falling for jew brainwashing when the reality is women are powerseeking, manipulative, and dishonest by nature (you can't afford to piss everyone off when your survival depends on being liked) and the political and social climate of the West is encouraging them to be utterly shameless.

Men noticing that women get away with murder and aren't held to the same standards of conduct isn't the result of falling for kike mindgames that want to make us hate women as part of a subversion tactic, it's the result of having a pair of functioning fucking eyeballs and a dose of common sense.