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[–] 1 pt

Acid is a lot more dangerous than mushrooms. I knew a pair of high-flying chemistry majors who manufactured the stuff in a university lab, but they had no idea of the dosage. They were fucked up for life and never kept a job. They just hung out with the hippies.

[–] 2 pts (edited )

Iv done a lot of different psychedelics but if you were to split it into two categories acid/mushrooms I can say that mushrooms have a certain forgiveness to them. Mushrooms have a lot more love. Acid can be cold. It can be really unforgiving. Iv done both a million times but even with all that experience it doesn’t matter. Last time I did acid. I was in a bad place. Anyone with psychedelic experience knows you’re not supposed to take them when you’re in a bad place. I knew this rule. I disregarded it anyways. The Trip was crazy strong. The weird thing about the trip was it was neutral. Most trips are either really good, or really bad. So neutral was weird. But whatever. What fucked me up wasn’t the trip. I kinda came to the conclusion that life had no purpose. So for the next 3-5 months I couldn’t sleep. I would sleep 3 hours on the dot. I could count on it. Waking up after 3 hours. I kept a bottle of whiskey next to my bed to get back to sleep. I had maybe 2 anxiety attacks before this trip: after this trip I lost count. They would always start the same way: I would be in my 3 hours of sleep: I would dream that I was dead. I was a ghost. I would see my mother and my sister crying (cauze I was dead): I would reach out and try to touch them to let them know I was there. I wanted To tell them it was ok. But I couldn’t interact with them. And I would realize that I would spend eternity walking the earth as a ghost. Completely alone. Then I would wake up with the an anxiety attack. Then I would grab the bottle next to my bed. I have a big family Iv been to a lot of funerals but the worst feeling Iv ever had was after these dreams. It my soul. It hurt so bad I wanted to die. During this 3/5 months I used to break down and cry cauze I was reminded that there’s no point to any of this. That was a few years ago. I havnt fucked with psychedelics since then. I have a couple Friends right now who really want me to take a trip with them but I don’t think I will.

[–] 1 pt

Damn. That is terrifying. I have avoided hallucinogenics for that reason. Only took mushrooms once, and I imagined that I was flying underground among the roots of a forest, looking up and watching the seeds begin to germinate for the coming springtime. It wasn't a bad experience, but it was so total and transformative that the prospect of a bad trip was too much of a risk.

[–] 0 pt

I have a good friend that has started growing his own shrooms. I want to get some from him. It has been years since I've tripped. Good, bad, or indifferent, I always seem to learn something from tripping. I agree though, that shrooms are more forgiving and loving. Acid seemed really confusing to me. And more intense. I was just so far gone I couldn't think of anything clearly. Shrooms were never like that. Also doesn't acid stay in your spine or some shit? Lol. That could be some dare-tier bullshit.

One time when I was on acid in college. We got on the elevator and this kid i knew was on there and he was all drunk, and he went on to tell us how he just fucked some girl only to find out she lied to him and she was actually only 15. I remember thinking to myself "I don't think you should be telling anybody this..." it kinda fucked with me at the moment, but once that dude got off the elevator we all looked at each other and were like "wtf just happened??" And just laughed about it. (Because that is all you can do when you're thay far gone on drugs)

[–] [deleted] 1 pt (edited )

Growing shrooms is dead simple. Go grab a spore syringe or two (legal in all but three states), and start with the "PF Tek" method. Any moron can grow shrooms in 3-4 weeks.

Been years since I've tripped as well, but if I ever do again, it will be DMT or nothing.