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Article: https://archive.is/wip/Qe8fe

(post is archived)

[–] 0 pt 4y

I would go oen further, the only good commie is one burned. Remember, commies love to destroy everything from their enemies, why not simply do the same back? Erase their history like they erased ours

[–] 5 pts 4y

Imagine if we erased the Gulag Archipelago. We need to document everything about communism and show it to everyone, not hide it. Communism has never worked and by erasing history we could make people think it could work.

[–] 7 pts 4y (edited 4y)

Imagine if we erased the Gulag Archipelago.

I have switched back to paper books exclusively after an experience with that book... Everyone started talking about it a few years ago so I bought a kindle copy to get up to speed. There were TONS of editor-added corrections of the content in parentheses after some paragraphs. Not small typos or historical tidbits that sometimes add to an older story, but full-on definition changes and bullshit that managed to completely distort what the original author was clearly talking about.

I paid money for the actually book. I didn't want to read a huffington post unpacking of the problematic material. If they were willing to do that to the text, how much of it did they outright remove???

[–] 0 pt 4y

Pirate that shit. It's easy, cheap, and you can get un-fucked versions to read at your leisure.

[–] 0 pt 4y

All of the really funky books are either going to be in the form of some obscure PDFs/scans or some old, dusty books.