What happened to land of the free and home of the brave?
Well men became cucks and put jews and women in charge of everything
Two of the most inferior things in politics. Jews and women.
What happened to land of the free and home of the brave?
Well men became cucks and put jews and women in charge of everything
Two of the most inferior things in politics. Jews and women.
I can only presume this was written years ago due to the president obama reference. No way this kind of free thinking and opinion would be allowed today.
Things really have moved that fast, haven't they.
That's how it works. That's how (((communists))) take over. Slowly at first, but the suddenly.
Like a bacterial infection, at first it's two, then four, then in a hour it's millions then suddenly it's poisoning the environment it's a part of.
Kikes that's what's happened
Indeed. What happened? The jews, dummy.
Why do I have to read this out loud? Why even suggest that? What is wrong with just reading it normally?
You don’t have to, necessarily. Reading it out loud emphasizes the insanity of it all. It makes you realize it really is this weird in our country.
tomorrows headline...
Suicide has been superseded by COVID.
This message needs to go viral. So much truth in one short article.
Interesting: This is real.(truthorfiction.com)
This country sacrificed 58,000 good American kids in Vietnam fighting communism only to embrace it years later. Every Vietnam vet should sue the pants off Congress.
he criticized everyone except zionists. journalists' job is supposed to be reporting the truth. if they don't report the truth, they aren't journalists. they are propagandists, shills, etc.
It’s a letter. Journalists tend not to address their articles to their editor, and if they did you might expect them to know their editor’s name.
You got jewed nigger. That’s all. Not the first time. Look at the Russia in early 1900’ and Germany ...
More like over half the century Russia.
(post is archived)