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[–] 3 pts 4y (edited 4y)

So much for a man of principle watching the election being rigged and stolen in the open and NOT voting to overturn.

If he had principle he would have done what is just and what is right and voted with the few principled GOP members to overturn the election results. The ones that voted to overturn an illegitimate and clearly stolen election not only were brave BUT were absolutely bound by consitutional duty to do so as it is a well established principled. This fucking chicken little claims the consitution does not allow him to overturn the vote of the state electors. Absolute bullshit, just watch Robert Barnes comments on the topic.

Then he went on to tar and feather all of the people in DC with slander because a few people got a little rowdy and entered the capitol WHILE WALKING WITHIN VELVET ROPES.

He claims he is principled, but he is not. He is weak and shallow.

Remember this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=25P4GNi0oWM

Watch his body language. I was wondering why he looked so weak, frail and spineless there. I have been attacked in crowds and it's scary sure, but there is a posture and a stance a man takes that tells the crowd you are ready to fight and ready to die if necessary. Rands body language is the language of a coward, a feminized man afraid of everything around him and afraid of his own mortality.

Rand is a weak man that wears the coat of "principle" to shield his weak body. He saw the fixing and stealing of the election just like he saw those BLM protesters and he fucking collapsed like a wet noodle.

Rand is not a man of principle because he is barely a man.

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[–] 2 pts 4y

Rand is a spineless cuck that is afraid of his own shadow.

[–] 2 pts 4y

Quite possibly the best description of him I've ever read. Should save this. 100%. Too many cucked republicans don't understand this. Exactly.