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fuck zion don

fuck zion don

(post is archived)

[–] 0 pt 4y (edited 4y)

Hillary would never have kissed Israel's ass as much as Trump has for the past four years. Democrats have grown quite antisemitic over time while majority zioshills are on the red side these days. People were so blinded by Trump, they were willing to justify any bs that came out of his mouth. 500 billions for blacks? MAGA. Giving cash and land to israel? MAGA. Letting in more migrants because the economy's doing great? MAGA. Mass vacations? MAGA...

Trump's the greatest deceiver there ever has been. Hillary would've been opposed by all of these people and probably even by her own party.

[–] 0 pt 4y

Hillary bombed Libya for israel.

They all say one thing and do another. They're actors. They want their voters to accept their words, which they do because they voted for them. and that leaves their actions unexamined