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fuck zion don

fuck zion don

(post is archived)

[–] [deleted] 1 pt 4y

If the (((globalists))) wanted to increase their control over the US quicker they would've just found a way for Hillary to win back in 2016.

You're not seeing the big picture. {{{They}}} wanted Trump to look like the radical outsider underdog that nobody thought would win. Then, they took this guy, with a 30 year track record of rubbing elbows with celebrities and awards from Jesse Jackson, and made him look like he was the enemy of the establishment... complete with his own Qtard conspiracy theory cult.

It was too obvious before that dems and republicans were exactly the fucking same. With Trump in the mix, they were able to polarize the parties and rekindle interest. This made sure there were only two teams and two loyalties. Both controlled.

Now, I shit you not, here's the end result. I've seen arguments between the left and right about this "virus", but they both want the same thing. They BOTH want shutdowns, vaccines, tracking, and communistic welfare payments. They just argue about how much and for how long. We are fucked.