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fuck zion don

fuck zion don

(post is archived)

[–] 0 pt 4y

Although I agree with most of what you said, I don't fully see the point of Trump being controlled opposition. If the (((globalists))) wanted to increase their control over the US quicker they would've just found a way for Hillary to win back in 2016.

I think Trump's win back then truly was a glitch in the Matrix - the red goy vs blue goy paradigm that we've been stuck in for decades. He's someone with good intentions but unfortunately he lacks balls, and cucked on countless things and shilled for the worst of the worst.

[–] 6 pts 4y

Americans would've revolted against Hillary. They used q and Trump to pacify.

[–] [deleted] 1 pt 4y

They used q and Trump to pacify.

Not just to pacify, but to lead them into the same end result. Both parties want vaccines, welfare, and tracking. They just argue about how much and for how long.

[–] 1 pt 4y

I think it was to destroy the Republican party. Had Hillary won, people would have been flocking to the Republican side to put a stop to her policies. Even though we know the politicians are comped, it would still stand as an organization to house a lot of right wing activists. Lots of volunteers and candidates coming through the ranks who just might accomplish something, no matter how much the leadership suppresses it (tea parties..)

Doing it this way, there is no opposition party to flock to. When the demoralizing legislation comes through, the people know they have zero options with nowhere to band together. It was a brilliant play. Instead of pouring water back and forth between cups, now they just smashed one cup. What are you gonna do now?

The next big step for them is to control the message, promote "healing" and labeling wrong thinkers.

[–] [deleted] 1 pt 4y

If the (((globalists))) wanted to increase their control over the US quicker they would've just found a way for Hillary to win back in 2016.

You're not seeing the big picture. {{{They}}} wanted Trump to look like the radical outsider underdog that nobody thought would win. Then, they took this guy, with a 30 year track record of rubbing elbows with celebrities and awards from Jesse Jackson, and made him look like he was the enemy of the establishment... complete with his own Qtard conspiracy theory cult.

It was too obvious before that dems and republicans were exactly the fucking same. With Trump in the mix, they were able to polarize the parties and rekindle interest. This made sure there were only two teams and two loyalties. Both controlled.

Now, I shit you not, here's the end result. I've seen arguments between the left and right about this "virus", but they both want the same thing. They BOTH want shutdowns, vaccines, tracking, and communistic welfare payments. They just argue about how much and for how long. We are fucked.

[–] 0 pt 4y

Because Trump talked conservative but delivered far left liberal corporateocracy. They've erased he possibility of any voters recognizing actual conservative actions as anything but alien and won't accept it. It's been at least 50 years since they've had conservatives anyway.

[–] 0 pt 4y (edited 4y)

Hillary would never have kissed Israel's ass as much as Trump has for the past four years. Democrats have grown quite antisemitic over time while majority zioshills are on the red side these days. People were so blinded by Trump, they were willing to justify any bs that came out of his mouth. 500 billions for blacks? MAGA. Giving cash and land to israel? MAGA. Letting in more migrants because the economy's doing great? MAGA. Mass vacations? MAGA...

Trump's the greatest deceiver there ever has been. Hillary would've been opposed by all of these people and probably even by her own party.

[–] 0 pt 4y

Hillary bombed Libya for israel.

They all say one thing and do another. They're actors. They want their voters to accept their words, which they do because they voted for them. and that leaves their actions unexamined