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[–] 3 pts 4y

He should serve as a lesson for the rest of us. When push comes to shove, the government will not back you up for using your 2nd amendment rights. Dude was literally on his back being mobbed by 3 ppl. On the bright side, at least he killed a registered sex offender.

[–] 1 pt 4y

They claim he shot 3 people right? Ok that one guy he shot in the arm and the second idiot that tried to grab his weapon he shot pretty much right through the heart. Its the fist guy I dont really believe he shot. I saw what that round did to that one kikes arm, so if he hit that other guy in the head how the fuck did he not have a canoe going through his face? I bet that fucking idiot with the glock that was chasing him in the beginning accidentally shot him.