lol, no wonder why you're such a fucking faggot. You still think reddit tier quips are funny.
Fucking disgusting kikes like yourself need to go back to reddit where they belong.
Love how triggered you retards are getting from this post. What a salt mine haha
I love how kikes can basically flaunt the entirety of civilizational downfall in front of a man, and when questioned, reduce it to just being "triggered."
Fucking disgusting kikes always turn it around like you just did. All you're doing is proving you're a fucking faggot kike.
Yearofthesears face right now (
While eating sammiches zims mom made zim after ze told zer they should've been made at yesterday O clock. And thinking to zimself "that was a good one" and types it out on zirs laptop notepad titled. Come backs for cucks redditard edition.
Oh no! 😢
(post is archived)