Welcome to the poalthology. I was thinking this surreal source of darkness, as I told ye.
Anyway, as I'm at a Chinese bar after my 7/11 shift, cousin ghosts me, with his stupid phone or whatever, as we made plans, I have this song on brain. God I hate that cocksucker Conor, but he's so good (m.youtube.com)
Welcome to the poalthology. I was thinking this surreal source of darkness, as I told ye.
Anyway, as I'm at a Chinese bar after my 7/11 shift, cousin ghosts me, with his stupid phone or whatever, as we made plans, I have this song on brain. [God I hate that cocksucker Conor, but he's so good](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Kb-SwNXQA0Y&pp=ygUWZW1wdHkgaG90ZWwgYnkgdGhlIHNlYQ%3D%3D)
(post is archived)