If I'm reading this right, you're deliberately blocking Tor users - to block Kikes...
You're kicking yourself under, my friend.
Good luck.
It took me another 45 node-switches to write this comment.
-I'm done.
Not that it's gonna be your loss.
But in the end: it will be.
If I'm reading this right,
You’re not.
Read again the reply in the link I gave you earlier.
This has nothing to do with the new host. It is a new anti-DDoS system I put in place (in the new VPS) to prevent butthurt kikeshills from flooding poal.
Just change your Tor exit when it happens.
I've changed IP more than a hundred times to communicate with you.
If you think I'm not a tad pissed, you're wrong.
And so far, you've not shown any indicators you want to even address the issue.
My choice of browser is mine. Not yours.
If I want to risk giving my IP through hoops on Tor - that's my choice.
At this point, you have given me less-than-zero reasons for giving YOU my IP address.
Think about it. -And what you're currently doing.
While I appreciate you fixing the fuck up with the old host and switching to a new one as of late (condolences...), this has left me and other Tor users out of the loop.
What I want, is for you to fix it if you can. Not swirling about the whirlpool mocking users to switch nodes and laughing at users that use Tor.
lol If you think TOR is safe (regarding anonymity), you are deeply mistaken.
It's not your choice to make how I access poal.
Try it yourself for a few sessions: Use poal on Tor, and see how it actually is.
If this doesn't convey my concern, my concern is per logic not of importance either.
And if my concern is unimportant to you, so goes the rest of the legitimate Tor users here.
While I understand there is little middle-ground regarding safety of this site because of fucking jews, I prefer to keep the old way accessible. A gate you seem to have blocked. Because of fucking jews.
Conundrum is in your court. And my address of grievance is stated.
I prefer not to switch nodes {average} 40 times just to reply further.
Think this over.
See that’s where you’re still wrong.
I has nothing to do with ToR.
Read my reply again.
Don’t be mad at me for protecting Poal from attacks (automatically handled). Blame the kikes instead.
(post is archived)