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It's also missing here: https://poal.co/follow here: https://poal.co/u/Anticlutch - so profile pages here: https://poal.co/ignoredsubs here: https://poal.co/messages/ignore here: https://poal.co/u/Anticlutch/draftcomments here: https://poal.co/u/Anticlutch/savedcomments here: https://poal.co/u/Anticlutch/savedposts here: https://poal.co/u/Anticlutch/hiddenposts here: https://poal.co/u/Anticlutch/comments here: https://poal.co/u/Anticlutch/comments here: https://poal.co/u/Anticlutch/posts here: https://poal.co/settings?user=Anticlutch Not sure if that's intended? They likely each pull from the same generic page and populate their respective frame on a pull by pull basis?

(post is archived)

[–] [Sticky] 0 pt

Not sure if that's intended?

It is. Some pages such as /u/ the PM box and settings have a custom sidebar.

Check all the links you provided on a computer and you'll see what I mean.