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(post is archived)

[–] [Sticky] 0 pt (edited )

That's the exact behavior to break bots and trolls who think about flooding comments.

When you click reply, there's a 20 seconds timer, to prevent comment flood. This is short enough to give you the time to type your comment before submitting.

[–] 0 pt

I understand flood control but this was different. My posts, in the cases the gen'd this report, were an 1 hour and 30 min after the prev post. FWIW it hasn't happened since, so if you haven't fixed it, you can chalk it up to some weird edge case.

I 'presh, and I'll buy some crypto shortly and break you off for the effort.

[–] 1 pt

I designed it that way and it greatly helped filtering out spammers. I'll fine-tune it to be more tolerant for genuine accounts.