Damnit...that made me actually laugh out loud.
The extra line returns from the double spaces present in my past comments kind of irked me so I edited the last 5 or so pages of my comments to remove them. Then I thought about my submissions and changed them and found removing the spaces messed the post all up. That was what led me to asking you about extending it to the post element after I realized it might fuck up some people's new posts thinking it would look one way based on the preview not needing the spaces and finding it was all a single sentence as the post element still needed them.
I did really need that laugh and thank you again for your efforts.
Check your profile ;)
Before i hovered on it my first thought was "A spatula?" I appreciate that. Thank you!
I thought that maybe my comments I've made over the past few months about various bugs or issues might get me a pain in the ass label, but I'm glad to know they seem to have been helpful...except the ones when you were already fixing or already did fix what I was commenting about.
(post is archived)