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Not all image links are switching to Pic8. I see it as a bug.

Not all image links are switching to Pic8. I see it as a bug.

(post is archived)

[–] [Sticky] 0 pt

It's not a bug. Only direct links to images ending with an extension (jpg, gif, png...) are supported.

I posted direct image links from Ruqqus and they are not switched to Pic8.

[–] 0 pt

Paste them here.

[–] 0 pt

Bruh, op is literally data mining your users. For nefarious purposes.

He is an admin (goes by the name Chip there) of the data mining site godlikeproductions.com.

Just google "alex shamash jason lucas"

[–] 0 pt

If you want to make a report about someone, send me a PM (as well as @pmyb2).

[–] 0 pt

The report was made in the post. I get you are tired of the soapdox pedos spamming and crying up your place (who isnt) so you have higher interests.

But this clown is on different level. Far more dangerous.

A pm is not needed. Now is the time for due diligence. Can literally google them.