I think it's not proof of what you claim it is.
Because a fucking screenshot of a webpage is proof of nothing.
Like this (i.ibb.co)
am I you now? No. No I'm not. But I do have a screenshot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Also you're a fucking phone.poster and only kikes and feds phone post.
Your infatuation with claiming I wasn't a voat user is only a distraction from the fact that this blocking feature is a very bad idea
How often have the deaths of free speech oriented sites started with this type of nonsense? It's just to combat shills, don't worry goy, it won't be used against you
And free speech is effected due to people that I have blocked not being able to respond to me how?
What you are claiming is the same as saying a restraining order is the death of free speech because the person who it's ordered on can not talk to the person it's protecting.
You're arguing like a fucking kike and you have a kike tag.
e: Also these EXACT same arguments were used by the (((poster))) calling to be allowed to post (((lolicon))).
And free speech is effected due to people that I have blocked not being able to respond to me how?
Read above, nigger. Shills can use this to ban people who call them out, and they will won't be down voted by those whom they block. Recipe for disaster.
It's a slow process, reddit didn't become eddit overnight. This the start of what will become the death of poal.
You're arguing like a fucking kike and you have a kike tag
Irrelevant deflection.
Ill concede the ss isn't proof I am JD, sure. Too bad I don't care enough to prove I was on voat to a censhorship-happy cuck.
Also you're a fucking phone.poster and only kikes and feds phone post
Now that's just fucking funny.
(post is archived)