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(post is archived)

Wait & see in a few months. This place will have nobody in it. Many already left or have been banned. I don't give anybody too much of a hard time other than joking around or just giving my opinion. No reason for anyone to block me. But I am blocked and cant post in much of the new posts for some reason. I must be bringing too much awareness about the jews and AOU and his PAID ISRAELI STUDENT friends had to stop that shit. That's the only thing this could be. I'm as honest as they come, dude. I am the greatest jew hunter who ever lived. I've outted so many jews all over the internet. I consider it a sport. If I tell you some is a jew, you can bank on it. Crensch, AOU Milkyway, Exredditor, Doglegwarrior are jews. 100% sure of it. Poal is a jewish honeypot. They just proved that. Now watch them deploy their jewish tactics and watch how they work. I've watched them do this to 11 other people and documented it.

[–] 3 pts

Many already left or have been banned.

Were they here to have fun, learn something and/or spread information? I recall most people who have been banned or left complained a lot, were angry they couldn't downvote every post they disagreed with and made tons of alts.

I am blocked and cant post in much of the new posts for some reason.

Hon, I saw a post you made saying two people blocked you. Granted one of them posts often, but it's not that big of a deal. You can't be everyone's cup of tea.

If I tell you some is a jew, you can bank on it.

I would hope so, but I'd need proof and extended conversation to confirm that.

Crensch, AOU Milkyway, Exredditor, Doglegwarrior are jews.

Regarding @doglegwarrior, @Ex-Redditor, and @Milkyway, I don't know them. If we've ever interacted it has been brief and I know of Ex-Redditor because he posts often. Doglegwarrior has one comment up and I cannot recall if he ever had anything more and deleted nearly everything or he's a lurker. Milkyway appears to not like AOU so I'm not sure why he (or any of the others I've previously mentioned) are suspicious. You'll need to elaborate.

As for Crensch, I know he's controversial. We've spoken a few times and he has even been on the Poalcast a few times, including a recent one. He had some drama with another user which was quite a headache. It's hard to see him and AOU colluding together. In fact, I cannot see AOU colluding much at all. Why does nobody ever call PMYB2's judgement or character into question? PMYB2 and AOU are friends. If AOU is such a problem, then Boobs is a fool or a bad person himself. Thankfully, I've spoken with Boobs enough to find that while he is a fool in most areas, he does take this website seriously and cares deeply for freedom of speech.

I'm sorry I cannot take you on your word, dear. I'll need more than claims.

[–] 2 pts

Can confirm I am a fool on most things.

[–] 2 pts

If anything, your confirmation casts doubt on my point.

[–] 1 pt

> I've outted so many jews all over the internet. I consider it a sport. If I tell you some is a jew, you can bank on it. Crensch, AOU Milkyway, Exredditor, Doglegwarrior are jews. 100% sure of it. Poal is a jewish honeypot. They just proved that. Now watch them deploy their jewish tactics and watch how they work. I've watched them do this to 11 other people and documented it.

@JewHunter is nuttier than a fruitcake. This is the kind of stuff that some guys on Voat would do to people, for whatever reason. Sometimes I think just for fun. In either case, jewhunterbiden is a moron, and you can bank on that.

[–] 2 pts

This is the kind of stuff that some guys on Voat would do to people, for whatever reason.

That sounds awful.

[–] 2 pts

Funny I’m the guy who’s name is on poal, am I a Jew?

I don't know wtf you are. I know reddit commie censorship when I see it. I see jewish tactics going on here against anyone who calls censorship out. You see, Voat was a reaction to reddit censorship faggptry. Poal is a branch of Reddit. Its why none of you made it at Voat. You needed your little safe space. well you can have it.

[–] 1 pt

I don't give anybody too much of a hard time other than joking around or just giving my opinion. No reason for anyone to block me. But I am blocked and cant post in much of the new posts for some reason.

"Many people blocked me reeeeeee, they must be jews! How dare these jews block me!!!! Do they know who I am!!!!!????"

lol The VDS is real.

[–] 1 pt

What derangement is that? Is it contagious?

[–] 1 pt

Don't worry, poalrs are immune. We've developed antibodies long ago.