WelcomeUser Guide

©2024 Poal.co


Any of you Polars experienced with how Poal works, your help is welcome!

That FAQ will have to be split into several categories.

Share your suggestions/ideas in the comments.

  • Rewards: If any part of your submission makes it into the final FAQ, you'll get an Amazing badge and a signed nude pic of @picman.

Ready? Go!

Any of you Polars experienced with how Poal works, your help is welcome! That FAQ will have to be split into several categories. Share your suggestions/ideas in the comments. * Rewards: If any part of your submission makes it into the final FAQ, you'll get an Amazing badge and a signed nude pic of @picman. Ready? Go!

(post is archived)

[–] 2 pts (edited )
  1. What is Poal?

Poal is a free speech experience where people post real news and bacon. Note that free speech experiences are not necessarily comfortable for all indivuals all the time, particularly to those with authoritarian leanings.

Users, like you, share your favorite content in an environment geared towards freedom of expression and decide, through upvoting, what's good. Downvoting is, specifically, for spam. Share disagreements by replying to promote discussion and engagement of genuine users.

Links that receive upvotes rise towards the top in a way that is constantly being refreshed..

  1. What does the name Poal mean?

It is, at once, a reference to free POLitical discussion and an allusion to the mascot, the Polar Bear. Also, apparently the first choice, POLE, was taken. Admin really loves "pole", if you know what I mean.

  1. Can anyone submit a link?

Yes, you and ANYONE ELSE can submit links. Anyone else may have a different opinion, ideology or agenda than you. Be discerning.

  1. I made a mistake in my submission title. Can I edit it?

Yes. Only a retard would make a site where you couldn't edit a submission within the first few minutes because typos happen.

  1. What is that number next to usernames?

The score next to a username reflects the total number of upvotes they have received for their collective submissions, sometimes, but not usually, referred to as "Bacon Points".

  1. Why should I try to accumulate "Bacon Points"?

To support, participate and multiply the privilege and God given right that is Free Speech.

  1. What can I do to get my submissions noticed?

"Bacon Whoring" happens, where people include "BREAKING", "HAPPENING", "BOOM", or "UPVOTE THIS BECAUSE..." in their post titles. This annoys many users who may either choose to ignore your submissions or speak their mind and remind you how slutty this behavior seems to the average person. Submitting consistently good content is the best way to keep getting noticed.

  1. I want to change my username. Do I have to start a new account?

Yes. Once an account is created, the username cannot be edited. You may create a new user profile but cannot migrate bacon points or badges to the new username.

  1. Will you remove something defamatory about me or "my fellow user"?

Unlikely, as most of this content constitutes exercising free speech. The best way to deal with incorrect information on the Internet is to post the correct information next to it. The Poal community is usually very supportive of factually correct information, and will likely vote to give the correction greater prominence than the original submission. In many cases, these instances have a "drama fagging" shill component to them in order to slide topics. The best advice is to ignore all drama fagging.

  1. Is posting personal information or doxxing ok?

Vigilantism due to doxxing is non existent outside of a handful of staged media narratives. However, it terrifies authoritarians and you can potentially invite legal trouble for yourself, the user, if you doxx someone for the purposes of harassment and that legal trouble could have the potential to spill over to Poal.co. There shouldn't be any reason to doxx anyone other than public figures as part of research and verifying real news and pastebin seems like a reasonable place to store your doxx information.

  1. Which staff member should I write to if I have a problem or question?

Unless you are concern trolling, the fastest way to get answers is to use /s/AskPoal. /s/IdeasForPoal is also a good place to start. Genuine issues can be brought to @PMYB2 or @AOU.

  1. What is a moderator?

A moderator is just a regular user, like you, except they are usually members of the LGBTQ community who self righteously volunteer to perform menial tasks within a subpoal like controlling its CSS, making stickies and pretending they are better than everyone else. Many have escaped digital servitude and have resigned from subpoals as moderators, in order to make them "System Subs", where they become admins problem.

Moderators have no special powers outside of the community they moderate and are not appointed by Poal.

  1. What if the moderators are bad?

In a few cases where a moderator has lost touch with their community, another Poal user has created a competing community and subscribers have chosen to use the new subpoal instead, which led to it becoming the new dominant community.

If you have an issue with a moderator or the way a subpoal is being run, please first try contacting that moderator to see if it's just a simple misunderstanding. Moderators are free to ruin their communities however they so choose so long as it is not breaking Poal.co TOS. If it's simply an ideological difference or you have or a personal vendetta against a moderator, consider making a new subreddit and shaping it the way you'd like rather than performing a sit-in and/or witch hunt. Drama fagging is frowned upon.

  1. How do you get to be a moderator?

If you create a subpoal, you will automatically become its owner/moderator. If you'd like to become a moderator of an existing sub, ask one of the community's moderators! Many subs actively look for volunteers. If you find an abandoned subreddit, consider leaving it a system sub, as no moderator has proven to be superior to 99% of moderators. A final option would be to check out /r/subsequent.

  1. Is it okay to create multiple accounts?

Yes, you can create multiple/throwaway accounts as long as you do not do so to ghost vote your own submissions or otherwise use it to manipulate votes or participate in astroturfing. Abusing the voting system may result in a "Suspicious Behavior" tag, generated by an automated response that is triggered by common astroturfing behavior. Keep in mind that many people find the use of alt accounts as suspicious.

  1. Why do I have a "Suspicious Behavior" tag?

Engaging in behaviors that are common to professional astroturfing companies, like https://upvotes.club, American Independent, PACRONYM, Shareblue, Media Matters, and large PR Firms are automatically detected and labeled. If you inadvertently triggered the "Fag Tag", do not worry as correcting your behavior will result in the tag, eventually, disappearing.

  1. What constitutes vote cheating and vote manipulation?

Manipulating voting by any means: manual, mechanical, or otherwise. We're not going to post an exhaustive list of forbidden tactics, but some major ones are:

Don't use shill or multiple accounts, voting services, or any other software to increase votes for submissions. They have Reddit for that, where Free Speech is dead.

Don't ask other users to vote on certain posts, either on reddit itself or anywhere else (through Twitter, Facebook, IM programs, IRC, etc.)

Don't be part of a "voting clique" or "voat ring" (@Crensch, this means you)

A voting clique is a group of people who send links to their submissions around via message, IM, or any other means, with the expectation of "you guys vote for my stuff and I'll vote for yours." A "vote ring" is a group of people who agree to vote on certain things together, either a specific submission, a user, a domain, or anything like that. Upvote each submission or content for the value of the information in it, a variety of things that you think are interesting and will benefit the community.

Cheating or attempting to manipulate voting will result in your account being banned. Don't do it.

  1. What constitutes spam?

It's a gray area, but some rules of thumb:

Don't post the same link to multiple subs.

It's not strictly forbidden to submit a link to a site that you own are affiliated with, or otherwise benefit from in some way, but you should definitely consider yourself on thin ice if you repeatedly post the same link or same content.

If people historically downvote your links or ones similar to yours, and you feel the need to keep submitting them anyway, they're probably spam.

Try not to flood the new queue and allow other users to make submissions in between each of yours.