Hey AOU, I think there's a middle ground to keep everyone happy (except you because additional functionality server-side): make titles "modular."
This way their appearance can either be altered server-side (user settings) or titles can have HTML-tags as delimiters inside them, to allow people the use of custom CSS. Example:
<a href="https://pic8.co/sh/bNv0TA.png" class="title" id="title">Does GAB turn into a Christian site? [640x360 - 31.0B]</a>
Turns to:
<a href="https://pic8.co/sh/bNv0TA.png" class="title" id="title">Does GAB turn into a Christian site? <poaltitlemeta>[<poalimageres>640x360</poalimageres> - <poalimagesize>31.0B</poalimagesize>]</poaltitlemeta></a>
Thanks for the suggestion, please submit it in /s/ideasforpoal
Thanks for your patience with me :) Posted with better explanations for normies... I mean non-techies https://poal.co/s/IdeasForPoal/250706
Saw it!
(post is archived)