I've noticed it's a bit clipped too on the global site on Android. But on DailyStormer it is fully visible (thanks to the banner CSS you contributed I think).
I've noticed it's a bit clipped too on the global site on Android. But on DailyStormer it is fully visible (thanks to the banner CSS you contributed I think).
What do you mean by clipped?
What do you mean by clipped?
Actually it could be that a couple pixels are shaved off the top of the banner but it's not as noticeable.
Actually it could be that a couple pixels are shaved off the top of the banner but it's not as noticeable.
Nothing has been changed for the top navigation bar since last year's poal v2.0 update and body's margin is automatically set to 0 so nothing should be pulled/displayed outside the viewport.
body {
margin: 0;
Nothing has been changed for the top navigation bar since last year's poal v2.0 update and body's margin is automatically set to 0 so nothing should be pulled/displayed outside the viewport.
`body {
margin: 0;
(post is archived)