I look at the state of the world with Chinese bioweapons triggering plandemics, election riggers pulling off a socialist coup, alphabet people pushing degeneracy, low IQ immigrants overrunning most Western countries, central bank inflation wrecking every economy, and the NPC plebes cheering on the demise of their civilizations.
While my spouse and I are both high IQ, based, and hyper-competent...it appears that clown world is overrun by more civilization destroying retards than a Hollywood zombie movie. In a practical sense we could Go Galt and retire to a money fort in BFE to wait out the clown world zombie apocalypse, but that doesn't solve the psychological challenge of watching civilization implode with no hope of rebuilding within our lifetime.
Serious question: how do I avoid becoming a misanthrope who hates humanity for committing societal seppuku? How do I avoid waking up every day, looking at the shitshow going on, and thinking "I hope you NPCs get everything you want. You can all identify as ponykin while alphabet people rape your kids. You can have your safe spaces until you get thrown in a Gulag 2.0 with a tenner for Article 58. You can have your central banking until you're burning fiat currency to stay warm. You can have your Socialism and enjoy starving. I told you so, now #NoahGetTheBoat so I can watch you normies suffer and die from your self-inflicted problems."
I know that's a disastrous approach to take from a mental health perspective, so I'm hoping someone can provide advice on how to find optimism in clown world.
Is there a glimmer of hope somewhere? A long view I'm missing? Some grand societal pendulum swing back to sanity on the horizon?
- Your only possibility would be to become willfully delusional/ignorant; attempt to brainwash yourself. But what sane person would want to do that?
- Sorry, the world is shit; people are shit. You're right to be disgusted. Embrace the hate. Its a sign of sanity and intelligence in these times.
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>I look at the state of the world with Chinese bioweapons triggering plandemics, election riggers pulling off a socialist coup, alphabet people pushing degeneracy, low IQ immigrants overrunning most Western countries, central bank inflation wrecking every economy, and the NPC plebes cheering on the demise of their civilizations.
>While my spouse and I are both high IQ, based, and hyper-competent...it appears that clown world is overrun by more civilization destroying retards than a Hollywood zombie movie. In a practical sense we could Go Galt and retire to a money fort in BFE to wait out the clown world zombie apocalypse, but that doesn't solve the psychological challenge of watching civilization implode with no hope of rebuilding within our lifetime.
>Serious question: how do I avoid becoming a misanthrope who hates humanity for committing societal seppuku? How do I avoid waking up every day, looking at the shitshow going on, and thinking "I hope you NPCs get everything you want. You can all identify as ponykin while alphabet people rape your kids. You can have your safe spaces until you get thrown in a Gulag 2.0 with a tenner for Article 58. You can have your central banking until you're burning fiat currency to stay warm. You can have your Socialism and enjoy starving. I told you so, now #NoahGetTheBoat so I can watch you normies suffer and die from your self-inflicted problems."
>I know that's a disastrous approach to take from a mental health perspective, so I'm hoping someone can provide advice on how to find optimism in clown world.
>Is there a glimmer of hope somewhere? A long view I'm missing? Some grand societal pendulum swing back to sanity on the horizon?
>>- Your only possibility would be to become willfully delusional/ignorant; attempt to brainwash yourself. But what sane person would want to do that?
>>- Sorry, the world is shit; people are shit. You're right to be disgusted. Embrace the hate. Its a sign of sanity and intelligence in these times.
(post is archived)