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[–] 3 pts 1y (edited 1y)

What I've come to understand is the Adamites were created to build up humanity, dragging them, humanity, along with us, mankind (a subset of humanity). That's our job. We create, explore, invent, discover. This is why we are so envied and hated.

The Jew's job, the line of Cain, is to murder, destroy, pillage, rape, and tear down everything we've created. Ideally for them, they will enslave and genocide everyone else. This is why they are hated.

It's good vs evil. We earn our place by waking, seeing, and overcoming the evil walking among us.

What is the purpose of life on Earth? To evolve and overcome evil, to be welcomed into the heavens.

[–] 2 pts 1y

William Proxmire and Walter Mondale. We'd be established on Mars if not for their Democrat asses

[–] 2 pts 1y

Mars is unliveable and you know they'd make it a "diverse" crew. Not the best of the best. Which would further damage the impossible mission.

[–] 1 pt 1y

NASA gets billions in funding and squanders it. The older it gets the more corrupt it becomes.

Where's the moon base?

Where is suttle 2.0?

Where is all the technological advancement that was promised from the ISS program?

It has been nearly 60 years since the moon landing, which probably didn't even happen given the fact that NASA still can't get people to the moon today.

Tens of BILLIONS in funding every fucking year for 60 years and all we got is a bunch of shit photos from Mars.

James Webb telescope is cool though, but the images are all photoshoped and the one real discovery, that the big bang theory is wrong, is completely suppressed and denied. Fuck those kikes.

[–] 1 pt 1y

A boulder chained to the Aryan race by jews